The final battle

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I recommend getting this song stuck in your head while reading the chapter 😂

6 years after the battle...
Rozaliya is now married to Draco and has a cute 2 month old son; Scorpious.

{ Roza POV}
I walk into the nursery, and hover over the cradle.
I peer down at Scorpious and lift him out of the cradle. 
"Hi baby" I whisper tickling his belly making him giggle.
I walk into the kitchen. Draco sits on the kitchen stool. I kiss him on the cheek and put Scorpious in the baby chair.
I get a message from an anonymous person...
"Meet me in the hogwarts courtyard STAT."
I look up at Draco.
"Honey, can you call your parents to take care of Scorpi? I am going out. "
"Sure" he said fishing his phone from his pocket.
I walk out the front door and get into the car.
Once I arrive at Hogwarts, I see a familiar figure standing in the empty courtyard

Harry Potter....

"Long time no see?.." he said circling around
"Oh, you want a duel?" I smirked.
"You're going down."
I pull out my wand and begin shooting spells.
Each stronger than the one before.
It was odd as Harry was missing each one.
"Nice Try" he smirked.
Out of the corner of my eye I see Draco appear.
What was he doing here?
My focus trailed back to Harry. I shot again and hit him.
He yelled in agony but kept shooting at me.
My wand flew out of my hand and was way out of my reach.
Harry aims to shoot once more but Draco jumps in front of me and shoots at him. I run to grab my wand and I stunned Harry and he fell to the ground. I run up to Draco.
"You know I didn't need your help"  I said kissing him.
"I-" and then Harry's wand was to my throats and I put mine to his.
"You are going down, just like your father did."
and then my body was filled with awful immense pain and I turn around as much as possible. I see Harry's hand on a ruby hilt and put an hand to my back and it returns soaked in blood.
My blood.
My legs give out and I fall to the floor as Harry disapparates.
Draco screamed and he got down to his knees.
"Roza...No!" He cried out as tears flew from his eyes.
I put my hands on each side of his face.  Instantly, a picture of Scorpious flew into my mind.
How was he going to go on without a mother? With my last remaining strength I slowly said...
"Draco... tell... Scorpious, that I love him, and that I love you...."
Tears were now falling down his face.
"Roza, NO!!! Someone help please!"
"" I said stuttering.

Then I closed my eyes....

{Draco POV}

As Rozaliya closed her eyes, I knew it was too late.
Tears flow onto my cheeks in hot rivers.
My memories flash before my eyes, and I look down at Roza. She lost the look of pain in her face and was now lying peacefully on the floor. Her vivid hair was now a dark brown.
I hold her lifeless body in my arms, hopelessly praying that this was all a dream. That I would wake up and it will be alright.
With a trembling hand, I take my phone out of my pocket and call Lizzie, who picked up almost instantly.
"Um, hello? Who is this?"
"It's Draco" I say taking a deep breath.
"What's wrong? Do you want me to babysit Scorpious? Oh gosh, he is such a cutie! Tell Roza I said hello!"
I take a deep breath.
"Rozaliya, is---dead." I choke on the last word
"What kind of cruel prank is this?!" She exclaimed and then gasped " No! You--you can't be serious?! Where are you?!"
"Hogwarts courtyard" i say, my voice breaking.
She dropped the phone, I could tell by the buzzing noise it made after.
Around a minute later, I see a broomstick in the distance.
Lizzie stumbles off the broomstick, running at full speed.
She looks down at her sister and falls to her knees.
Tears well in my eyes again.
She sobbed silently into her hands and then turned to me.
"How...did this happen?." She whispered.
I felt a surge of anger.
"THAT SON OF A FEMALE DOG!" She screamed
"Lizzie... calm down." I coaxed
She burst into tears.
She then gave one more longing look at her sister and disappeared, leaving me all alone.
I slowly lift Roza from the ground and disaparate.

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