The double date

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At the end of 6th year, Lizzie started dating Harry and over the summer we planned a double date at the three broomsticks. It was scheduled on Lizzie's 17th birthday, for her birthday dinner.

I walk over to Lizzie's room, she just put on a lovely blue dress, and I wore my regular outfit as I don't care about my appearance whatsoever, but I just put on some eyeliner and pale pink lipstick. We go downstairs grab our purses and head out the door.
It was rather muggy outside. So I was relieved to get into the air conditioned flying car.
I look at the driver
"P-professor Flich?!" I say, Lizzie started laughing.
"Oh-um, I have a-another job, taxi service, and for the record, outside of school you can call me mr sombrero. Don't tell any other students" He says starting up the car, we arrive at the 3 broomsticks and we sit down at the table with Harry and Draco.
I catch them shooting dirty looks at each other.

We each order a butter beer, and we begin talking.
"Then I told him, better show then!" Harry says triumphantly and we all laugh. Tonight was Karaoke night, and I was so damn introverted, i begged them not to make me go up, but they forced me up onto the stage.
A man in a heavy welsh accent stood on the stage.
"We have a competition tonight! Each table nominates one person up to the competition, let it..begin!"
Draco, Lizzie and Harry all stare at me
"I'm not doing it" I say stubbornly crossing my arms.
They drag me back up onto the stage, I stood next to the other seven people people wondering if this was their friends doing.
They all smile and laugh at me, I shoot them a glare.
Sadly it was my turn, I walk up to the microphone, take a deep breath, close my eyes and begin.
"Nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all
The needle returns to the start of the song
And we all sing along like before
And we'll all be lonely tonight and lonely tomorrow

Telephone exchanges click while there's nobody there
The Martians could land in the carpark and no one would care
Close-circuit cameras in department stores shoot the same video every day
And the stars of these films neither die nor get killed
Just survive constant action replay

Nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all
The needle returns to the start of the song
And we all sing along like before
And we'll all be lonely tonight and lonely tomorrow"
I exhale and open my eyes, everyone begins clapping and cheering. I turn red and run off the stage.
"You did awesome!" Draco said wrapping his arm around me.
"Wow..." Lizzie started
They soon came to announce the winners and I came in at an astonishing second place.
I happily return to my seat, medal in hand.
We return to our conversation and we're now talking about third year.
"Can I be excused?" Harry said rudely interrupting Lizzie
"Sure" Lizzie said
Harry left.
After 5 mins I get up to go wash my hands and I see something, that I wish I didn't see.
Harry was snogging Ginny, his hands on her hips, her arms around his neck.
I gasp and step back.
Harry turned to me and his eyes went wide
"Oh- crap" He says
"What the hell,"
I turn on my heel
"NO WAIT! Please don't tell Lizzie! I beg you!" My eyes trail to his collar, he had lipstick on it
I nod slowly and return to the table
"Are you ok?" Lizzie says looking at me
"Oh-uh, yeah! I'm perfect, never better!" I am a horrible liar but thankfully, Lizzie seemed to of believed me.
Harry returned to the table
"Hi!" Lizzie said kissing his cheek, I instantly felt so guilty
We soon brought out a cake and began singing
"Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy bir-"
I can't take it anymore
I stand up and scream
"He is cheating on you!" I point to Harry
Lizzie looked confused
Harry shot me an awful glare.
I pull his collar, revealing the lipstick stain
Lizzie gasps
"Is it true?" She whispers
"YES!" I scream "OKEY DOKEY YO!" Everyone glares at me
"Not the time for K-pop" Lizzie said sternly
Lizzie stands up and leaves the room, Harry tries to confront her but she plants a slap across his face.
"I trusted you!" She said deathly.
"I-I" Harry had started but Lizzie left the room.
I run after her
She was crying
I wrap my arms around her
"He was so horrible to you, I'm sorry, for ruining your day" I whisper
"It's- not your fault--I-I'm glad you told me right away, how long had this been happening for?" Lizzie said wiping a tear from her eye
"I dunno, I only saw it happen today, the nerve of that guy!"
Lizzie laughed,
"Lets go home," she pleaded
"Alright," I said
I go and kiss Draco good night and we slip out of the pub.
We arrive home and we go to our rooms
"I'll make it up to you." I says grabbing Lizzie's arm
"I will make sure you have a perfect, birthday"
"Thank you Rosa" She said hugging me.

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