Happy Halloween

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The beginning of 7th year was rather peaceful since Harry, Ron and Hermione were gone.
However it was the morning of my birthday which happens to be on Halloween and Lizzie still wasn't talking to me.
Since I had a free period I decided to confront her.
I run up to the tower where The Ravenclaw dorms were located.
I could find her but I saw Cho Chang.
She places her textbook on the table and walks up to me.
"Hi Rozaliya, how are you feeling?" She says looking at me.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine now. Where is Lizzie, she hasn't talked to me since her makeshift birthday."
"Oh yeah..." Cho rolled on her heels "She has been extremely distant from everyone, only sometimes she talks to me, or goes into the forest with Luna"
"I am going to try and talk to her" I say putting my hands on my hips.
"Oh yeah, she is probably up on the balcony" Cho said pointing to the balcony behind me.
"Good luck" Cho said placing her hand on my shoulder.
"Thanks" I say putting my hands in my pockets
As I begin up the stairs Cho leaves the room with her textbook.
I take a deep breath and looking in front of me, Lizzie, looked different; Pale and Skinny. She was looking in a book but I caught her attention.
She looks up at me with sad eyes and hollow cheeks. Her eyes widened and she slammed her book close.
"Roza?..." She whispered pressing against the wall.
"Yeah... it's me" I say, trying to act natural
She slowly rises from her seat. She had let her hair out from its bun, so it spread across her shoulders in blue-black waves.
She slowly approaches me with glistening eyes.
She throws her arms around me.
"I'm so so so sorry Roza" She breathed. "I didn't know what came over me" She squeezed me tighter as I winced and swallowed the pain, since I had a wound from the curse she put on me there. "Please forgive me..." She whispered quieter than before.
"It's ok Lizzie" I say hugging her tighter
When she pulled away it was like nothing had changed.
She had her regular soft milky eyes and her features were back to normal.
"Thank you Roza. For throwing me the best party I ever had...until all the chaos happened of course" She giggled.
"No problem" I laugh.
{The next day}
I woke up, it was my birthday.
I pull on my robes and head to the common room.
"Happy 17th babe!" Draco says slinging his arm around me
"Thanks" I laugh
"Did you make up with Lizzie yet?"
"Surprisingly yes." I reply.
We go to Arithmancy, which was boring as always.
Then muggle studies, there were murmurs since the muggle studies teacher was gone.
Me and Draco know what happened to her.
My father placed the avada Kedavra curse on her.
Instead Professor Mcgonagall walked in
"As most of you know, Professor Burbage is...erm--missing" She says clasping her hands together.
At dinner there was not, a Halloween celebration. Since Snape was the new head master, we were just given a class.
However the next day, Snape took Lizzie, Draco and Me out of school, since our parents wanted us.
Ayer the long drive from hogwarts, we arrived at our destination, which took place at the manor. He dropped us off without saying anything and so we went inside.
All death eaters sat down.
"Welcome back everyone" Voldemort said with a raspy hint in his voice.
"We have decided to plan an attack on hogwarts, It is very urgent." He said
Lucius nudged Draco and Narcissa, and they all got up.
"Where do you think you are going?" Voldemort says slamming his hands on the table, he had oddly long and grimy nails. I look down at my hand and compare them, I did have long nails but that's were the similarities end since he had grimy ugly chipped nails and I had glossy shaped nails . I snap out of my daze and look up. The Malfoys were all pale, paler than before.
"Lucius stammered.
"You think whatever you are doing is more important than this?!" Voldemort says dangerously
but before they could speak he lost his temper
"TRAITORS!!" He yelled, "YOU WILL PAY!" I look at Lizzie with wide eyes.
Draco looks at me with pleading eyes. I only stared at him and tried to get Voldemort's attention.
Soon a fight broke out between the death eaters, everyone was shoving and pushing and being slammed against walls.
Voldemort was pleased by this so he sat down and watched them all fight. I tried to signal Draco over to me but as he was making his way to me, a man 3 times his size rammed into him knocking him onto the floor. I punch the man in the jaw and I cringe as I hear a crack and the man howls in pain, and grabs his swelling jaw.
I look at the fighting in the room and down at Draco who was out cold on the floor.
Finally I had had enough.
"STOP IT!" I yell at the top of my lungs. The room becomes silent. Ice cold stares are shot to me from across the room. Voldemort glares at me for ruining his fun.
I look around the room, some people staring at me, other nurturing their injured arms or legs, others are plainly out cold.
Draco breaks the silence by sitting up and groaning.
The death eaters forget about me and continue fighting. Lizzie goes up to her room. But I go the the patio with Draco and we sit on the balcony.
I put my head on his shoulder and close my eyes.
"Why were they even fighting?" Draco said stroking my hair.
I open my eyes and laugh "Honestly, I have no idea. Probably too much butterbeer"
I lean in to kiss him but we hear stomping and I look over. The dark lord was personally walking up to us angrily. He forced Draco to go inside.
"Rozaliya. Do not go around Snogging the son of a traitor. Plus, you are too young, what are you 12, 11?"
I sigh. "No I actually turned seventeen yesterday. Thanks for remembering." I say
"Hmm.. I see you inherited my Sarcasm." He says,
And I laugh into my sleeve.
"Rozaliya, you are my Legacy, make me proud, okay?" He says putting his hands on my shoulders.
"Okay." I say
Soon we return to school after the long day. It felt good to be back at hogwarts, even though I was only gone for one day.

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