"Reigniting day"

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"Sectumsempra!" A body crumpled to the floor, bleeding horribly.

I wake up in a cold sweat and look around my room, it was only a nightmare. It was July 15, " Reigniting day." I get up hastily and pull on one of my black leather jackets and go downstairs. I look at the clock "4 am?" I look around the gloomy kitchen, then I remember, today was Lizzie's birthday.
I jump from my chair, then I got the stupid idea to make a cake.
That was my mistake
I poured in the ingredients and while they were baking a decided to make an icing out of baking soda and vinegar. Yeah don't ask why, well everything piled out of the bowl and EXPLODED throughout the kitchen.
I run through the house looking for napkins but then I smell something burning...
The cake! I yell out and anger but then put my hands over my mouth. I run downstairs and the kitchen is not only, filled with an explosive paste but also on fire. There were a few people trying to tend to the fire. It wasn't pleasant, thankfully nobody knew I did it.
In the evening, I was forced to get ready for the death eater meeting. I put on a mid-length black dress. I see Lizzie, "Happy birthday!" I shouted wrapping my arms around her neck.  "Where were you all day?" I asked her.
"I was at Luna's place, they invited me" She whispered
"Oh ok" I reply.
We go downstairs and we sit on the big sofa in the living room.
"How's it feel to be 15, grandma?" I tease.
But we are interrupted by the door bell ringing, A man walks in and greets Voldemort, this continues and soon I see Lucius, Narcissa and Draco at the door. Lizzie rolls her eyes and I get up to greet them.
"Hello" I said Looking up at Lucius, boy was he tall. Then I go over to Draco "Hi!" I say hugging him.
"MY SHIP!" Narcissa yelled and Lucius whispered to her "What did I tell you about shipping in public?"
"Oh...sorry" Narcissa said quietly.
We go back to the couch.
Draco starts taunting my sister.
"Hey bird brain" He said sipping a drink.
"Urgh!" Lizzie said getting up and walking away. The door rings again. Snape is at the door. I crack up and nudge Draco,
"Look it's Snape!" I whisper
"I'm not falling for that trick again" Draco finished
"I'm not joking!" I say
He turns around.
"What the bloody hell....I-is he a death eater?"
"He has to be.." I whispered.
We all get up and sit at the freakishly long table.  

"Welcome!" Voldemort said standing up. All the death eaters cheered and clinked their drinks together.

"My lord...what is our first ignition" One of the death eaters say standing up, I recognize him as Gregory Goyle's father.

An "Ignition" is a cruel task that takes place after a meeting, it is usually torturing someone or setting fire to a village, although if you are under 17 you are not permitted to come along.

"Very good question,hmm.. let me check the agenda..we will be muggle melting!" Voldemort finished. Muggle melting is exactly what it sounds like. After all the men leave, Lizzie, Draco, Pansy, Goyle and I went to my room.
Everyone starts doing there own thing, Pansy starts looking through my closet
"Black, black, black ohh--wait that's black too." She pronounced.
Goyle was petting Athena, who seemed to be very irritated by this.
Lizzie was reading a book, and Draco was inspecting himself in the mirror.
"Oh! I almost forgot.." Draco said with a mischievous smile on his face. I remembered that we were going to do a prank.
"Oh-um I forgot something!" I said and ran out to get shaving cream.
I went back and kicked the box under my bed.
"Happy Birthday!" Draco Yelled and we each grabbed a bottle of shaving cream and we sprayed it all on her.
"AHHH-STOP IT!" She yelled but we didn't listen. When we were done she looked like the mess I made in the kitchen earlier this morning. She stammered
"You-you filthy rotten Slytherins, I HATE YOU! ALL OF YOU!" She yelled running out of the room.
We all laughed and I realized what we had done. I instantly felt guilty.
Now not only her own father forgot her birthday, but her sister and friends made her look like a cumulus cloud. I ran after her. But she had already ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I grabbed my wand "Alohamora!" I cried. The door opened instantly, there she stood under the spray of the shower with shaving foam still smothered all over her face and body.
"GET OUT!" She screamed.
I tried to come closer but she yelled again and I ran out of the room in one swift movement .
"She is right" I thought "I am just a dirty rotten Slytherin"

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