Turned in

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Later that week, we were let out for spring break.
Lizzie still wasn't back. I was definite that she was kidnapped.
Me and Draco were in the living room watching the only muggle channel and making fun of them.
We were laughing and having a good time until bellatrix, Fenrir and a few others crashed in carrying 4 prisoners.
Harry, Ron, Hermione and Lizzie.
We both turn silent and Draco swiftly flicked off the television.
Bellatrix and Lucius both rolled up their sleeves and tried to summon my father.
"NO! IT IS MY DUTY!" Bellatrix screamed.
"Is it even Harry, Bella?" Narcissa asked her sister.
"Well...Draco and Rozaliya go to his school let them decide." Bellatrix said with a grim smile and bared her ugly grey teeth.
Narcissa sighs "Draco, honey and Roza can you please say who these people are."
Draco turns horribly pale.
I see Narcissa whisper in his ear.
"Do it, maybe the lord will forgive us...."
I cocked my head.
I stand to say that it is Harry but no words come out.
Soon after silence, they go to take Lizzie, Harry and Ron down.
"Wait!" I cry out once words formed.
All heads turned to me.
"That's my sister!" I say pointing at Lizzie.
Bellatrix turned pale and went to free Lizzie.
She knew that her lord would not be happy if she locked up his daughter.
Bellatrix walked up to me and whispered in my ear.
"You won't tell your father...will you Rozie?" I winced as her foul breath came over me. 
"Now" Bellatrix said clasping her hands together, we need to get the info out of the mud blood!"
"NOOOOOO!" Hermione yelled as they strapped her to the chair.
"HERMIONE! NO! I WILL SAVE YOU!" Ron screamed as they pulled him away.
I step forward, but Draco pulls me back.
"Don't do this..." he whispered.
I stand back.
"WHERE IS IT?!" Bellatrix cackled "The real  sword?!"
"I-I don't know!"
"LIAR!" Bellatrix screeched.
Hermione screamed and I felt her pain and I squeezed Draco's hand so tightly that he yelped out in pain.
Hermione shook her head, tears forming in her dark pretty eyes.
"HOLD ON!" I yell
Bellatrix grew impatient and she clenched her teeth
"What is it sweetie?"
"She-she is my friend and um... I-i will tell my father if you hurt her!"
Bellatrix lost her temper and grabbed my wrists
"Daddy!" I cried mocking her and she released me. "Fine. I will give you the mud-blood. Fenrir! Bring the goblin!"
Hermione got up from the chair and walked shakily over to me. 
I sat her down on the couch.
"I will be right back" I announced and walked to the cellar.
I see Ron and I call his name. He walks over to me and Harry raises an eyebrow.
"Is Hermione alright?" he said grasping the bars tightly.
"What did Bellatrix do?!"
"Crucio curse."
Ron became pale.
"Don't worry, I lied to Bellatrix and got Hermione out. She is okay for now."
"Oh god bless you!" He said.
I laugh a little. "I didn't know you cared so much about her."
He blushed.
I go back up the stairs and sit next to Hermione.
"Are you okay?" I asked her, handing her a handkerchief.
"Oh yes, now I am fine." She said.
I look at her arm which had blood on it.
I lifted it up and inspected the wound and she winced.
I took out my wand and I cleared the blood.
"What does it say?" Hermione said straightening her arm out and closing her eyes.
"Oh....you won't like it.."
"Just please tell me"
"Mudblood" I read out.
"Oh gosh"
She hugged me.
"Thank you for saving me" She said.
"No problem" I said. 
She soon went downstairs
and then I hear an explosion coming from downstairs.
"Oh-no! They are disapparating!" I yell and the death eaters run downstairs.
But it was too late. They all had left.

Demented daughter {Rewriting}Where stories live. Discover now