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Namjoon, remember when it was our first day at middle school. I was really nervous so i sat in the corner hoping nobody would come over; I was terrified of talking to people, of interacting with people, generally being social, but you came. I was shaking, oblivious to what you wanted. It was silly really, because all you came over for was to say
Although I later discovered that you were forced to. You loathed the idea of making friends with a female, I was female.

I was stuttering real bad. Patting my back you told me to loosen up, but I couldn't just loosen up, I couldn't calm down, I couldn't stop thinking the worst, but I started to stop shaking. I was like the prey, caught by the predator, terrified out of their wit, wisdom. I was the prey, I was hunted by my fellow students, that's why I was terrified: of men, boys, women and girls. Because it all fell down to my father beating me and mum, beating us 'til were black and blue, covered in cuts and to scared to disobey him. We followed him as if he were King.

You sat next to me, but we were only allowed to sit down once, These were our permanent seats: but i wanted to sit next to a girl, they're less scary, less boisterous. I looked unkempt, never smiling. We became friends that day. You were the only person i let in my life. And will be the only person I let in my life.

I regret it...

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