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Namjoon, remember when i was released from the hospital, you worried about me, you waited on me hand and foot, it was adorable. You wouldn't let me go home because you thought my dad would hurt me again, you thought that he may even take it further, I didn't want to think about the possibility. So you carried me on your back, all the way from the hospital to your house. I fell asleep. Apparently snoring but I don't snore.

When we were back at your house, you gently placed me on your bed, it felt like feathers and was soft underneath me. You dampened a small face towel and placed it on my forehead to keep me cool. I woke up later that night, startled awake by the nightmare. When you were fast asleep, sitting on your chair with your head on the bed, holding my hand.

I tried to remove my hand, but you woke up, happy to see me awake. You looked hilarious with your hair messed up, ends sticking in every direction. So I laughed a bit and you ended up on top of me, holding my hands above my head and you were using your knees to keep my legs together and still. Your face got uncomfortably close. My breathing hitched. My heart beat faltered ever so slightly and I could feel your breath against my cheek. I kissed you.

I regret it...

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