Cheryl Blossom and Jade Andrews have been at war ever since they were three.
Jade Andrews and Jason Blossom grew up together they were like brother and sister. But her and Cheryl?
They hate each other. So when Jason Blossom is killed will they put...
This chapter is a month after the previous chapter, which means Jason was found, the dance had taken place, Cheryl was arrested and all that!
(Start music)
"You can't catch me". I laughed as I ran through the forest. Watching every step I took. Jason laughed as he chased after me.
"Jade you can't run forever". He laughed I ran faster as I laughed harder.
"Oh I can, and I will". I smiled back at him, but because I wasn't looking I didn't see the raised branch and I tripped over it landing on my bum. "Ow". I rubbed my back.
"Got you". He picked me up and through me Over is shoulder. I pretended to punch him in the back and squealed loudly.
".Jason put me down". I squealed louder.
"Nope". He shook his head as he laughed. I sighed, then got an idea. I raised my head to his neck and blew into it. "Hehe ok ok". He placed me back on my feet. I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me.
"What would Cheryl say if she knew we were here?"I asked.
"Just ignore Cheryl Jade you know how she gets". Jason smiled as he let go of my hand.
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"Yeah but sometimes it gets hard to do that". I followed him through the forest.
"I'll always have your back". He called back at me.
"She's your sister Jason". I stated.
"Yeah? And?" He smiled.
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He hauled to a stop as did I soon after.
"Jason?" I asked. But he didn't reply just kept staring at sweet water river. "It's beautiful isn't it?" I asked. He nodded but that wasn't what he was staring at. He was staring at a certain read haired girl on the other side of the river. There were three sides of the river, there were two safe ones but the last one wasn't allowed to have people on it.