Cheryl Blossom and Jade Andrews have been at war ever since they were three.
Jade Andrews and Jason Blossom grew up together they were like brother and sister. But her and Cheryl?
They hate each other. So when Jason Blossom is killed will they put...
Me, Veronica, Jughead, Kevin and Betty were all sat in our booth at pops talking about Jason and talking about school, the usual teenage gossip.
"Now that's a odd group". Veronica stated pointing behind me and Jug. I looked behind me to see my dad, Arch and miss Grundy.
"Excuse me". I went to get up but Jughead lightly grabbed my hand.
"No wait". He pleaded, why was he stopping me? I pulled my hand away and walked up to Archie and my dad.
"Hello Jade wanna join us?" My dad asked when he saw me.
"No it's fine I'm here with Jughead, no I was just wondering if I could steal Arch to talk to him?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'll talk when we get home". He replied and turned to miss Grundy.
"No. Now". I demanded. My dad looked at me confused and Archie worried.
"Ok ok". He put his hands up in defence and followed me out of pops. "What's up?"
"As your sister is there anything you want to tell me?" I asked.
"No I don't think so?" He said while scratching his neck.
"So nothing about you and miss Grundy?" I asked.
"Wait? How do you know? Did Jughead tell you?"
"What he knew?"
Jughead P.O.V
"What's that about is it about me?" Veronica asked me.
"No, but I would just leave it". I pleaded.
"Yeah but I'm me not you". She replied and gave me a wicked smile before she walked off followed by Betty.
"What was it like before she got here?" Kevin asked sarcastically. I shrugged.
Veronica P.O.V
"Wait you and miss Grundy are-?" I asked as I walked out of pops and heard Archie and Jade talking.
"This could ruin everything Archie, your football your music, and I hear Jail". Jade stated.
"Oh come on don't go there". Archie replied while trying to take her hand but she quickly pulled it away.
"Oh I will go there". She snapped.
"V? Help?" Archie looked at me and Betty.
"She's right you could go to jail, but? How do you feel about her?" I asked. "What is it?"
"I like her, and she makes me happy". He looked down embarrassed. "See she makes me happy and I trust her". Archie stated and went to reach for Jades hand again.
"Trust her? You told Jughead but not me? Your own sister?" She pulled away once again. "Sorry Arch but if you can't trust family how can you trust her". Jade snapped as she stormed back into pops. (Start music) "Get in". I looked to a car which had just pulled up to see Alice cooper sat in the drivers seat. Betty quickly did as she said not even looking at Archie.
"Just go". She told her mum. Then they were gone. Archie turned to me and turned around and went back into pops.
Jugheads P.O.V
I sat slumped down in my seat looking out of the window, watching their conversation. Kevin was eating fries and glancing up at me. I saw Jade pull away from Archie and start to walk back in.
"Jade what's wrong where's Arch gone?" Her dad called after her but she didn't listen. She just walked up to them but spoke to miss Grundy.
"You are the worst teacher". She snapped before walking back towards me and Kevin. She dropped down next to me and sighed.
"Hey pops, another double please?" I ordered. He nodded after noticing the state Jade was in. Ronnie came in shortly after and sat in her space next to Kevin. Pops came up to the booth with the double chocolate milkshake. He placed it next to Jade but when she didn't say anything he looked at me worried. "Thanks". I smiled before he nodded and walked away. "Jade?"
"Don't wanna talk about it". She sighed. She grabbed her chocolate milkshake and played with the straw before drinking it.
"Jade what was that about?" Her dad came up to our booth. She looked behind her to see Archie and Miss Grundy sat together.
"What was what?"
"The way you spoke to miss Grundy?" He asked.
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"Nothing". She snapped. She grabbed her handbag and stormed out of the diner.