Cheryl Blossom and Jade Andrews have been at war ever since they were three.
Jade Andrews and Jason Blossom grew up together they were like brother and sister. But her and Cheryl?
They hate each other. So when Jason Blossom is killed will they put...
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Love is like a flower. When you first find it it's a fully bloomed flower, but sooner or later it will wither a die. Why do we die? Why do flowers die?
"Come on Jade don't cry". Jason said as he followed her down the street.
"How can I not? You've seen what it says Jason it says I'm a slut". She held her phone out to Jason so he could read it.
"But people know your not". He suggested.
"Oh do they?" She asked sarcastically. "Gem gem1989: omg really I always knew it! Qyx2000: no surprise there. Cheryl1998: everyone we now know we have keep a lock on our boyfriends. Yeah because people know I'm not". She rolled her eyes as she began to cry. "Look I don't need anyone seeing me cry". She tried to push him away but he grabbed her hand and walked closer.
"I think your beautiful even when you cry". He stated as he tucked some hair behind her ear.
"Thanks". She smiled weakly.
"Come on let me take one of you? Please?" Jade pleaded.
"Ok ok". Jason gave up in defeat.
"Pose". Jade laughed.
"What? Like this!".
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"Perfect". She took it and smiled.
"My turn". Jason snatched the phone out of Jades hands. "Pose". He laughed.
"Ok". She smiled and did as she was told .
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"Perfect". He smiled as he took the picture.
"I love you Jason". Jade smiled as she kept posing for him.
"I love you so much more".
It was early so Jade tried her best not to wake the sleeping prince next to her as she sat up in his bed. Cheryl and their parents had gone away so Jason asked Jade to stay so she did, and let's just leave it at they didn't sleep very much last night. She looked down at him a smiled at his position. He was topless and in his boxers nothing more, he had one hand on his chest and another on the empty space that Jade once was. He fluttered his eye lids open and found his princess looking down at him.
"Good morning sleeping prince." Jade smiled.
"Good morning beauty". He smiled back.
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"Come on up". She got up and walked to the door.
"Wait turn around". She did as he said.
"What?" She asked confused but happy.
"Just wanted to see how you looked in my shirt". He laughed.
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"Jade where are you?" Archie shouted as he walked into their house.
"Here". She replied as she walked down the stairs crying.
"Hey? What happened?"
"Jason left me in the forest".
"Jade there's something else". He sighed. "Something I know will make you cry even more". Archie hated seeing Jade cry just as she hated seeing him cry. "Jason Blossom is missing".