Cheryl Blossom and Jade Andrews have been at war ever since they were three.
Jade Andrews and Jason Blossom grew up together they were like brother and sister. But her and Cheryl?
They hate each other. So when Jason Blossom is killed will they put...
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They say true love only happens once.
What if their wrong?
What if it happens more than once?
What if there's someone out there for me?
Waiting for me? Knowing the pain I'm going through and waiting for me to be ok?
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"Sherif Keller had a murder board and it was completely trashed, files were stolen and everything".
"And that has what to do with us?" I asked I brushed my hair in front of the mirror.
"Kevin has made a new one for us in the blue and gold". Jug replied.
"Ok I'll meet you there". I promised before hanging up the phone and placing it down on the table. I looked in the mirror thinking wether or not I should put make up on.
"Jade you in there?" My dad asked as he knocked on the door.
"Yeah dad I'm here". I answered as I started my make up.
"You sure you wanna go to school today?"
"Yes dad I'm fine". I reassured.
"Ok." He sighed as he was about to close the door.
"Hey dad can I ask you something?" I put my make up down and turned all me attention to him.
"Of course". He smiled as he walked closer to me and my table.
"When mum found out she was pregnant with me and Arch did she tell you straight away?"
"Well, I think there was a two day gap, you see she wanted to be sure before she told me". He admitted.
"Were you happy when we were born?" I asked.
"Thrilled". He smiled before noticing me nearly crying. He crouched down in front of me and placed his hands on my knees. "Jason would've been thrilled and I'm sure he is".
"Yeah he was, when I told him". I looked away. "You know what dad I don't think i can go in today". I admitted.
"That's ok, I'll ring the school for you". He got up and walked out of my room leaving me alone.
"Jason I hope your happy". I thought out loud before walking to my bed and collapsing onto it.
Jugheads P.O.V
"Hey Jug". Archie said as I answered the phone.
"Hey Archie what's up!" I asked as I opened the door to the blue and gold office room.
"Jades not coming in today, dad wouldn't tell me why". Archie stated. "Just thought I'd let you know as I know your due to meet".
"Nah it's cool thanks". I went to hang up but then thought of something to ask. "Hey Archie?"
"How much does she miss Jason?"
"More than she misses mom". I sighed. "Why?"
"No reason". I lied. "See you later". I pulled the phone away from me ear and hung up.
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Why did Jug ask that? Why did Jade ask that?
Btw who's watched the latest Riverdale? The killer? OMG Although I was kind of expecting that I mean it wasn't really a shock.