Cheryl Blossom and Jade Andrews have been at war ever since they were three.
Jade Andrews and Jason Blossom grew up together they were like brother and sister. But her and Cheryl?
They hate each other. So when Jason Blossom is killed will they put...
After showing Betty and Jughead where Jason's room was they quickly entered it and began thinking where a teenage boy would hide things.
"Now where would a teenager hide things from his parents". Betty wondered out loud.
"Under the mattress". Jughead thought out loud.
"Hello". We all jumped at the sound of a voice. We turned to where the door was to see Jason's Nana sat in the dark.
"Rose?" I asked as I walked up to her.
"Jade my dear how nice it is to see you". She wheeled up to me, Betty and Jug. "What is she doing here?" Rose pointed at Betty behind me. "Jason never loved you like he loved her". She pointed at me.
"Who? Rose who do you mean?" I sat on the end of his bed and held her could fragile hands.
"Polly". She snapped. She thought Betty was Polly, I guess that makes sense they are siblings and they look alike. Then she looked at my hand in hers. "Oh your not wearing it". She stated.
"Wearing what?" I asked taken back.
"Your engagement ring, it's been in the Blossom family for generations just don't tell Penelope I gave it to you and Jason". She laughed.
"Rose he never gave me a ring". I was on the verge of tears.
"Oh no, that's right he told me to give you this letter, I keep it with me all the time, just in case you two ever came back". She smiled.
"Two?" Jug stepped forward.
"Why Jade and the baby of course". She placed her hand on my stomach.
"What?" Betty and Jug gasped.
"He told you?" I was shocked.
"Yes of course, he never told his mom or dad so don't worry". She reassured me.
"I...have to go". I ran out of the room dropping the letter that she had handed me on the floor as I did so.
Jugheads P.O.V
"Jades pregnant?" Betty asked the nana. (Start music) "Yes three months, I count down the days." She hummed. "Do make sure she gets this letter won't you, Jason really wanted me to give it to her". She held the letter out to me waiting for me to take it.
"I will". I promised. Before me and Betty left the old nana on her own in Jason's room. We found Jade crouched down on the floor just outside Jason's room.
"Jade?" I walked up to her and crouched down next to her.
"A ring?" She said speechless.
"You didn't know?" Betty asked as she sat opposite us on the carpet.
"Well yes". She admitted. "I mean he did propose to me the day I told him I was pregnant, but there was no ring". She sobbed.
"Here". I handed her the letter. "She was determined you have this". She smiled weakly as she let her head fall down on my shoulder.
"You could have told us you know, about the baby". Betty reassured.
"There was nothing to tell". She said sharply.
"Jade? Jade Andrews?" We all looked up to see a girl around our age walking towards us.
"Chloe?" Jade shot up as did me and Betty.
"Miss me?" She smiled wickedly.
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New questions were now left unanswered. A ring that wasn't on the finger? What's in this letter that Jason so desperately needed to give to Jade? Why did his nana hate Polly? Why did Jason tell his nana about the baby? Why didn't she want to tell anyone? Who was this girl and what disaster would she bring with her?