Cheryl Blossom and Jade Andrews have been at war ever since they were three.
Jade Andrews and Jason Blossom grew up together they were like brother and sister. But her and Cheryl?
They hate each other. So when Jason Blossom is killed will they put...
It was the day of the last movie in the drive in. I was laying in bed thinking about what I had said to Archie and Miss Grundy the night before. I had come home and straight to bed so I didn't know if they were mad, probably. I stared at the ceiling, I don't even think I was blinking to be fair. That is until me phone pinged on my night stand, I sighed but stretched over to pick it up. I had a message from Betty but I was to busy looking at Jason on my lock screen to be bothered to open the actual message. There was knock on my bedroom door.
"Jade you awake?" It was Archie.
"No". I replied. But the door opened anyway.
"He Jade". Archie sat on the end of my bed, "Jason's funeral is tomorrow". Archie stated. "Will you go?"
"I...don't think I'll be welcome there". I looked away.
"Well I beg to differ". I looked at the door way to see Cheryl stood there. "I'm personally inviting you, and I also want you to come up with me to speak". She stated. "Please". She added.
"Ok". I nodded.
Time skip:
Me and Kevin were sat at the back Of his truck watching the movie that was being shown, while Veronica was picking up some more pop corn from the stand. The bikers behind us, the serpents were doing our heading they haven't shut up since we arrived.
"Do you know what happens to a serpent when a heel stands on it? Keep talking and find out." I shot up and shouted. I received a couple of cheers and thanks. I sat back down and continued watching the film when Veronica came back and took her place the other side of Kevin.
"You with me". Alice cooper came up to us and dragged me away from the others.
"Mrs Cooper?"
"Just walk". She ordered. She walked up to my dads van and knocked on the window. "I'm sorry to disturb you but you need to come with me". She ordered but when he didn't move she showed him me and added. "It's the kids". And he quickly got out and followed us to her car.
Archie's P.O.V
"Here I have a present for you". I passed her the box that had her present in.
"You shouldn't have". She smiled as she moved the lid off of the box to reveal the present. It was a new bow(don't know what it's called) "Archie you can't afford this". She commented.
"Yes I can, it's something to remember me by and so you don't forget me". I admitted.
"Thank you". She walked up to me and put her arms around me. We stayed like that for about one minutes and then she pulled away and we just stared at one another.
"See I told you". The door burst open to reveal Jade, Betty, Mrs Cooper and dad. We quickly pulled away.
"Son?" Dad looked at me.
"Please dad don't-"
"Enough". Dad interrupted Jades pleading.
"I'm sorry". Betty mouthed towards me.
"You do know you could go to jail for this". Mrs copper turned her attention to Mrs Grundy.
"Why? She didn't force me to do anything". I defended her. "I wanted to". I added.
"See this is why I don't want you hanging around with him, he's selfish and he's a bad excuse for a man just like that Jason". Mrs cooper said to her daughter. Jade went to step forward but dad did before she could.
"That's my son, and as for Jason he loved my daughter". Dad defended us both.
"Mom you send mrs Grundy to jail and I will say I made all of this up, and that I broke into Miss Grundys car, it'll be like Polly all over again, people will think it runs in the family". Betty snapped at her mom.
"You wouldn't dare".
"ENOUGH". Jade shouted. "Mrs cooper my brother is the proudest and the most generous man I have ever known, and as for Jason he was just as kind and I loved him, yes he may have cheated on me with Polly, but I still love him. So don't you ever speak badly about the Andrews". Jade snapped. (Start music)
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"She could leave town, and yes mom I would dare". Betty snapped.
"Yes I'll leave town". Miss Grundy picked up her stuff.
"No why should she have to go". I pleaded.
"It's for the best son". Dad reassured.
"It's fine". She smiled as she walked out.
"Jade Archie come one we're going home". Dad put his arm around me and Jade and went to walk out. "Betty want a ride?"
"Yes please mr Andrews". She walked up to us. "Goodbye". She snapped at her mom before walking out with us.
We arrived home and dad opened the back door for me and then noticed Archie in the front.
"Don't worry dad ill take care of him". I whispered. He nodded and walked into the house. I got out and walked round to his door. "Arch?" I asked as I reached his door.
"It's not fair". He cried.
"I know". I agreed as he got out slowly. But he collapsed into tears as he did so. "Come here". I wrapped my arms around him. Life isn't fair!