Q&A pt. 1

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Thank you guys so much for asking these questions! I loved to answer them, so here are my answers :)

Tayla2811 asked: "How long was it before you predicted that Halt was a prince? Or was it unexpected until you read it?"

I never expected it to be honest. It was a surprise, although I do have to admit than when Halt was so sure of his case to convince the king I felt like he at least knew him. And when he said "He's my brother" I expected him to be the older one, and the only reason why he could've left was, in my opinion, that he was the older twin. Turned out to be right with that part.

Charlie_Bharlie asked: "Did you cry during the end of book 2 when Halt made his promise?"

No...? I wasn't a fangirl then, I was ordinarily listening to the audiobooks in the car with my parents and siblings. I haven't cried during that part later, too, but it gets me every time.

Charlie_Bharlie asked: "What would your Ranger horse look like and what would it's name be?"

He/She would probably look like this:

Of course I know that you cannot choose your horse's appearance (not completely anyways) but this beauty is the first horse ever that reminded me of a Ranger horse

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Of course I know that you cannot choose your horse's appearance (not completely anyways) but this beauty is the first horse ever that reminded me of a Ranger horse. She's no longer at my ranch, and there's another horse reminding me equally as much of Ranger horses but this sweetheart was the first and I still miss her :) As for the name, I have no freaking idea. I haven't been the best with names, like, ever. His/her codeword, on the other hand, would probably be something along the lines of "shush it". Sarcastic, talkative piece of shit I am, and no doubt my horse will represent that somehow ;)

alonewolfgirl asked: "What will happen with Maddie if she gets her silver oak leaf? Will she be a Ranger of will she return and prepare to be a Queen?"

Ooohhh I love this question! I'll try keep it short ;-) Alright, so I personally think she will as a starter indeed finish her Ranger training and receive her silver oak leaf. As she'll be around 20 by that time, I think she'll be extremely in doubt about what to do. On one hand she loves being a Ranger, on the other hand she doesn't want to let down her legacy as the Crown Princess of Araluen. I think she'll have a talk with Will, and the following will happen: After talking to Will, she realizes that he's right: all the skills she has as a Ranger will be of use during her reign as Queen of Araluen. She'll have her own, small fief for a year or two, after which she returns to the Castle of Araluen. She focuses once again on the skills needed for a Queen, all whilst practicing her Ranger skills. When it's her time, she will gladly take the Crown. After all, a Queen who's been a Ranger's apprentice is familiar with the skills of the two strongest types of persons on earth. She won't be wearing her silver oak leaf at all times, but it will have been included in her accessoires somehow.

Something like that, anyways :)

K1tkat03 asked: "What do you think would be the first thing Halt would do if he somehow ended up in the modern day?"

Halt's pretty smart, so he'll probably be able to find a starbucks without causing too much attention. Then, he'll other a latte macchiato caramel and sit down to try and figure out where the hell he is.

Myndra asked: "Are there anymore ranger horse breeders, like Bob's?"

That's a good question! I'm kinda in doubt about that myself. I'd think Bob is the only one, idk, it just seems like it because all Rangers know him and all horses wouldn't know each other if they didn't come from the same place. But that does mean that some Rangers have to travel far to get to Bob's in case of emergency. So I think there's only one breeder, aka Bob, but there are multiple horse carers spread throughout the country.

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