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The day had come at last. Finally, three Rangers in their grey-and-green cloaks stood in the middle of a group of people, at a clearing in an unknown forest. About 30 people surrounded them; all of which had a different age. There were boys, girls, men and women; kids, teenagers and adults. 

Gilan stood in the middle, Will at his right, and Halt at his left had. Opposite of them stood the three participants of the competition, but right now Gilan didn't speak to them. He instead looked around the circle, a welcome grin on his face and a few rumpled papers in his hands. 

"Welcome. The all of you, welcome to the final results of the writing competition. My apologies for the fact that it took twice as long as expected, but some things didn't really go as planned."

Halt cleared his throat noisily, and Gilan repeated: "Someone-" Halt cleared his throat again and glanced at him, warningly. Gilan swallowed. 

"Alright then, I first didn't have the time for it, after which I forgot about it, and then I lost the results and had to start all over again." Whereas the sentence had started at a clear, loud tone, it ended in a much softer one, one that was barely hearable. Halt sighed, annoyed, and Will grinned. Some things never changed. 

"Whatever. I'm there, you're there, everyone's here. So let's get started."

"Yes please," Halt muttered. Gilan hadn't let him put on his cowl and Halt felt naked without it, in the middle of the unwanted attention. Gilan ignored him once again. 

"It were some pretty busy months. Not everyone managed to write everything on time, but it went all well, through the stress that life brings with it. So let's start with a big round of applause."

People clapped politely, and some cheered. Yet everyone was nervous for the results of the competition, and no one wanted it to take any longer than necessary. The Ranger Commander knew that, and smirked.

"I will not longer keep you in the dark," he said, benevolently. 

" Tayla2811 came up with something no one has yet dared to share, and a shocking yet satisfying idea of what could have happened in Another Universe... she ends this competition with 49 beautiful points!!!"

A lot of clapping and cheering.

demigod77rangers gave a reason for Alyss's sudden saviour of the little girl, and told about the first time Maddie came into view... congratulations with your 52 points!!!

Even more clapping and cheering.

TheQueenTurtle told something that's yet to bereleased, another funny story about a delegation and a more than satisfyingstory about things we had never come up with ourselves. She wins thiscompetition with a wonderful amount of 57 points!!!"

The clapping and cheering was deafening and overwhelming, barely bearable. But well-deserved. Gilan and Will smiled while they watched the competitors being congratulated by their friends and by strangers. Halt, on the other hand... Well, Halt was Halt. 

After a few minutes, the congratulations and clapping and cheering started to calm down, until it was completely silent again, and Gilan could speak.

"I'd like to thank everyone for their contribution of the past months. Thank you competitors for your hard work, thank you those who voted, and thanks to those who only read and where there, and therefore also contributed to this competition. Again, my apologies for the fact that you had to wait longer at some points, but I've been busy too. I do hope you liked it, and that there will be even more people participating a next time. Now, please give our amazing participants another huge round of applause!!!


And TheQueenTurtle as winner!!! 

Ranger's Apprentice; The Final PiecesWhere stories live. Discover now