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Honestly, I wasn't that excited about my birthday but I figured that it's still a special day, I mean, you don't turn sixteen every day! And besides, in books, turning 'Sweet Sixteen' is quite a big deal ;). Anyways, since it's my birthday, I decided to treat you all with a new special! This one's a bit sad, but I'm really happy with the outcome so I hope you guys will be too :) Please let me know!


Dear Alyss,

It's been years since you left. And I still think of you every day. It's the smallest things that remind me of the life we used to share. A life so full of passion, care, and love. I know that you will never read this, or even receive. Heck, we both know I won't even send this letter. I'll just roll it up and hide it with all the others.

I do think this will be the last letter for a while. I don't need writing to you as much as I did before. In the beginning, writing these letters was simply a way to cope with the emptiness that you have left behind. It would feel good, letting my thoughts onto the paper, telling you what you would've been here to witness if it had never happened. It felt good telling you about Maddie (who is doing great by the way. She's getting real good with the bow, and her thinking is incredible. I'm thinking about having her sent on a small solo mission, just to see if she's up to it. You'd be proud of her if you were here.).

The thing is, I have sent you dozens of letters over the months, but I never actually told you how I felt about you before the incident.

As you know, I never been much good at talking. Whenever I try to express the emotions whirling in my soul, my throat tightens, blocking me from saying anything. I never got much farther than a "I love you" or "thank you". I never explained to you what you really meant to me. And now I guess it's too late.

However, with this being the last letter for a while, this is also my last chance to tell you how I really feel. I realise that now, I am aware of it as much as I was ignorant as to what was going to happen the last time we saw each other. It's probably going to sound very cliche but then again, you won't read this anyhow.

So, here goes nothing.

You always stood by my side, quietly and loudly, supporting me through all I had to go through. Though I didn't at the time, I later realised that you have always been more than just a best friend to me. I could tell you things easily and you just listened. You always made me laugh.

After Halt took me as his apprentice I thought I had my life figured out, but I didn't. Without my knowing, from the moment I first saw you real love had begun to take shape in my heart. I only truly realised it when I saw you in that tower in Macindaw. You knew I was there, but you weren't yourself, and I looked at you then and realised that I loved you. Because you cared. Love radiated in your heart spilling out into the lives of all those around you. You weren't just pretty on the outside, no, you had a whole new level of beauty somewhere deep within.

Life without you has been real hard. Harder than I had ever expected it to be. But, I'll find a way, just like I did before. Only this time you won't be here to help.

So, in the end, I guess it just comes back to the same thing. I want to thank you, you know. I mean, I wouldn't know where I'd be now if it weren't for you and frankly, I don't even want to know. You've saved me, over and over again. And I never got to save you.

You know, Alyss, I'm not over you, I don't think I'll ever be. But I did find a way to cope with the pain, and until we meet again, that's all I can ask from whoever is up above and in charge.

Please note that I have always loved you, and that I always will.

Love, Will

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