A Fresh Start (Dramione)

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  This is my first fanfiction, and if I screw this up, please tell me and I will fix it. Disclaimer: All rights go to J.K Rowling! The only thing that I own here is my ideas for this story that I post! I don't own any of the characters or spells except for the new ones that I make up! Please read and bear with me for this!

If you read this first bit and go : What? I thought this was Dramione, not Harmione. I'll have you know, it IS Dramione, it just starts off being Harmione.


  Hermione's POV

  "Harry!" I yell. I run over to him, and he smiles at me. We are in a grassy, flowery meadow near the Burrow. He and I have been dating since earlier this Summer, a few weeks after Ron and I broke up. I continue to run over, and he opens his arms. I jump into them, and he embraces me. I breathe in his scent, and I snuggle up. I look up, and lean in to his face.

  I kiss him passionately, and he kisses me back and he cups my chin. I push my fingers through his hair as he deepens the kiss. I feel a familiar heat spread through my body, and my heart craves it.  I keep it going and Harry does too. I eventually pull away, but only because I have to. I am out f breath and so is Harry. He puts his forehead right against mine, and we stay there for a few moments, just feeling each other.

  I try not to think of Ron, my ex, because he would always try to go too far. He'd try to make me do things against my will, and to do things I was uncomfortable with. He hurt me physically, in the end, he punched, and kicked me with no good reason to. Luckily, Harry heard me scream from outside and saved me from him. I still have bruises and cuts from when that happened, and it was well over two months ago. I still live at the Burrow but Ron is with Charlie in Romania, far away from me or anyone else he could hurt.

   Harry loves me, and I love him. He's always been a brother to me, but now we're a bit more. I couldn't imagine not having him with me, he's almost like my bodyguard. I know that he'll always be there for me, and I'll always be there for him. I didn't restore my parents' memory after the war, but I feel that that was for the best. They don't have to worry about me, and I don't worry about them.

  "You want to head back, Mione?" Harry asks gently.

 "Sure, it's just about time for supper anyway." I reply. Harry moves and he puts his arm around my shoulder, and pulls me close to him. I put my arm around his waist and he smiles at me. I feel at home when I am with him, and I hope he feels that way too.

   We walk back to the Burrow, just to find everyone gathered outside, smiling and exchanging small talk around the long table. There is an empty seat next to George, reminding everyone that Fred is gone. I look around the rest of the table, seeing two empty seats next to Ginny, one for Charlie and one for Ron. I feel my eyes start to well up with tears as I see his empty chair, and I feel like balling my eyes out. Harry feels me tense up, and he pulls me even closer.

 "Mione," he whispers, "It's alright. He can't get you here." I nod my head and brush the tears from my eyes and try to make it look as casual as possible. I take my seat next to Harry, and Molly brings out the food. George hands out the silverware, and Ginny pours the drinks.

  I eat my food quietly, and laugh when it is necessary. I can still feel the sadness inside of me, but I don't let it show on my face. everyone discusses what we will do when we go back to redo our seventh year at Hogwarts. And that's when it hits me. Ron will be going back to Hogwarts, and we're in the same house. I'll see him everyday, no matter what.

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