Good News, Or Bad News?

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything except for the plot for this story, any new characters and/or new spells. All rights go to J.K Rowling.


    Hermione's POV

   As soon as those words came from the lips of the Healer, I was fixated in that chair. My undidvided attention was on her, and I held Ginny's hand tightly. I squeezed it, and she squeezed back. I knew we had to embrace and prepare for the worst, and that no matter what, we would be there for each other in the end.

  The Healer slowly opened her mouth, and said in a low voice, "The results were negative. You are not pregnant Ginerva Weasley."

  I smiled so widely, and I looked over at Ginny, she was crying in joy, and her hands were over her mouth to cover her smile. Ihugged her so tightly, she hd to push me off of her to breathe.

"I take it that that's good news, so congratulations." The Healer said, and then stalked off to another patient.

Draco looked over at Ginny and I with a puzzled look, "What? You thought you were pregnant?"

  "Umm, yeah. Hehe..." Ginny said nervously.

  Draco eyed her oddly, so I walked over to him and tried to explain a bit about what happened.


 After I had explained everything about Ginny's situation, I told Ginny to go back to Hogwarts, because she could still make some of her classes.

"But what about you?" Ginny asked me suspiciously.

 I looked over to Draco, and he gave me some sort of signal to tell me that it was okay to tell her. I decided against telling her who it was, and to keep it anonymous, "I have to visit another patient."

 "With Draco? I heard some crazy rumor that he was shunning you for having snogged Harry." She blabbed. I glared at her.

  "And just how did you hear this if you've been in my common room for two nights?" I asked her with a suspicious look in my eyes.

"Well, um, you see... I wasn't in your common room for that afternoon..." She mumbled.

  "Yes, but that only hapened in the afternoon, and almost no one else from Hogwarts was in the Three Broomsticks when it happened. The rumor couldn't have gotten out that fast, so when did you actually hear it. Tell me the truth Ginny." I said sternly.

 "I heard it from Luna. I went for a short walk yesterday, and she saw me and told me after she asked where I had been for a few days." She confessed. I nodded, happy that she had told me th ruth, and then I looked back over to Draco. He shifted on his feet, and then I waved goodbye to Ginny.

   I watched her leave by floo, and then I followed Draco back over to his mother. Throughout that whole conversation, it seemed like he didn't want to participate.  I could understand though, his mother was in a critical condition, and he didn't want to let it out. However, I was determined to make sure that he wouldn't bundle it ll up inside like he had been these past seven years.

 We found that his mother had been moved to a room, and that Healers were working on her at the minute, so we had to sit down at the waiting area. I took  seat in a little pink chair, and Draco sat next to me, and grasped my hand. He held it tight, and then his body started to shake again.

  I walked over to him, and kneeled down in front of him, still holding his hand. Tears were silently flowing down his face, and he was sobbing. I put my arms around him, only then letting go of his hand, and held him close to me.

"You're alright. Sh, calm down. I'm here." I whispered into his ear. As I pulled him to me, another nurse, not a Healer, came by.

  "Excuse me, Mr. Mafoy, you can go and see your mother now. The Healers have done everything they can for now." She explained, and then she turned and walked away.

  "Wait," Draco called to her, as he pulled away from my hug.

 "Hm? What can I do for you?" She asked politely. She was obviously annoyed, you could see the look on her face, but her voice told another story.

"Can my uhm, fiance (A/N My computer won't let me input the accent. I would, since I'm bilingual, but my computer won't let me. Sorry.), come in too?" He asked.

  She stared at him as if he were stupid, and I wanted to slap her. She was being so rude to someone with a seriously ill family member! Was she not educated about feelings? "I'm sorry, sir," she sneered at the last wrd, "But we do not let anyone who isn't immediate family in. Especially if you're lying about this girl being something she's not. Her not having an engagement ring on gave it away, so I'm sorry, but she may not enter unless it is a request from the patient, which it is not."

  I could tell that that angered Draco, but he didn't say anything. He did clench his fists though.

  "Fine." He said angrily, and then marched off to the front desk t see which room Narcissa was in. He did give me a small smile, a sympathetic one, and I smiled back as to say, "It's okay."

  I decided to sit back for a few minutes, and to relax. I was abruptly interrupted by an owl flying through the window, and landing on my leg with a letter. I slowly opened the envelope, and it read:


I immediately crumpled up the letter and threw it in the trash can, and then ran out the door of the hospital. As I stood outside, I laughed nervously to myself. Why was my life such a wreck? It wasn't even Hallowe'en, it was the second week of October, and so much shit had happened already. First, my boyfriend cheated on me, with my best girl friend. I accidently cheated on my boyfriend who I am actually in love with, with my ex. And to add on to that, my best girl friend thought she was pregnant with my ex's child, and now my current boyfriend, err- never mind, it's complicated, his mother is now terminally ill because of ME!

   I knew that I was losing it, I had too much to deal with now. If any more things added on, I thought that I'd lose it because of the stress buildup and alll that other crap.

"Hermione Granger please report to room 3420." A voice on the intercom that was outside said.

  Huh? Oh, Draco. His mother. I rushed inside, muttering excuse me and pardon me all the way through the lobby until I reached the elevator. I went up to the third floor and looked for room 3420. I finally saw it, and there was a small hospital room, with a woman and a familiar boy my age seated next to her inside.

  "Um, excuse me?" I asked as I knocked.

 Draco came and opened the door a bit wider, and ushered me in.

"Hey, she wants to see you." Draco explained. I smiled, and the took a seat next to her.

  "Hey, Narcissa." I said calmly.

"Hermione, dear. There's so much I need to tell you." She said.

"Take it easy, Narcissa. There's no rush, you know that you'll be fine." I said reassuringly as I brushed my thumb over her frail hand.

"Alright, maybe a just a quick nap and then I'll tell you." She said and then curled up in th hospital bed as she tried to sleep.


Hey, so I know that that update was pretty boring, but it needed to be done. Sorry to break it to you. Next update will be better though, that's a promise.

  Anyway, I have a new writing schedule, and I just wanted t let you all know what it is. This book will only be getting updates every two weeks, starting now. My other book, The Last Ravenclaw, will be updated in that week in between. So please be aware of that.

 So, an update in two weeks! Until then!

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