Recurring Thoughts

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Hello! Like I said, the winner of my contest wil be enclosed at the end of this chapter. As well as my entire playlist!!! But don't just skip ahead, you have to read the chapter first. :'(

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter in any way. I own the plot for this story only. Everything else belongs to J.K Rowling.


    When we got back, Draco went to bed, he said he ws exhausted. I, however, decided to go hide the knife sooner than later. I needed a plan, so I sat at the island in the mini kitchen and pulled out a piece of parchment. I hated lying to Ginny like this, but it needed to happen. I couldn't and wouldn't let Narcissa die like this. Because of me.

    Ginny is easy enough to fool, she believes just about anything. I wrote her a note, saying to meet me outside in half an hour, after curfew. I ran to the owelry, and grabbed a random owl, and sent it to her dormitory. 

    I walked back to my room, and waited for a response. Approximately five minutes later, I heard an owl coming to my bedroom window. I rushed to receive the owl, and saw a letter with Ginny's stmp on it.
      I opened the letter immediately, and shooed the owl away.
It read:
  I'll meet you as you asked. I'll see you soon.
    -G. Weasley

   So now I had to go watch outside her dorm, I was going to be a spy, an expert in espionage. Except that I wasn't an expert.
  So I grabbed my wand off of the coffee table, and put on a black tee shirt and black jeans. I grabbed my sneakers and a hoodie as well. My hair was tied back into a ponytail, and the knife was in a small cloth bag.
    I took off, but was careful to be quiet. I would wake Draco, or if he wasn't already asleep, he'd hear me leaving. So as quietly as I could, I snuck out like a shadow. I carefully walked down the hallway, and looked around the corner. There I could see Ginny come out of the common room while being unnoticed.
    I then thought about how I should have asked to borrow Harry's invisibility cloak, or should have just taken it. Then my planet would be foolproof. I couldn't believe that I hadn't thought of this already, it was very much unlike me. The Hermione everyone used to know as smart, brilliant, studious, stubborn and intelligent seemed to have disappeared over the course of the summer. Now she was gone, and this new Hermione surfaced. 

    Quietly, Ginny came out of the common room through the Fat Lady, and she seemed nervous. She checkd her shoulders for people who would be walking around, and then quickly headed to the staircase. She walked down tediously, and once she was out of sigh, I went to the Fat Lady.

"Now why would you want in here, Miss Granger? It seems to me that you don't live here anymore." She inquire peskily.

"It's none of your business," I snapped, "Symphony."

  She looked rather angry, but had no choice but to open the door for me, considering I was a Gryffindor, and I said the correct password. The painting slowly opened, not even making a sound when I thought it would. 

   I took a step inside, and saw that much had changed, now I could only hope that no one was awake, and if they were, then I would need a cover story. I paced down a long corridor that led to the common room, and when I turned into te main area, I saw one person sitting at the table. 


"Hermione! What are you doing here?" He asked cheerfully. I didn't have time to talk, and I was on the spot.

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