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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. It ll belongs to J.K Rowling. I own the plot for this story, that is it.


  I slowly opened up the neatly folded letter, afraid of what it might say. I pulled the letter out of the enveloppe, and unfolded the tri-folded letter. The contents fell out, and all I saw was a knife, and words on a page. 

 Dear Ms. Granger,

  Please carry out this task by Friday. That gives you three days. 

   You will hide the knife that is enclosed in this enveloppe in Ginerva Weasley's bathroom cabinet. Leave no trace that it was you, because this knife is meant to stay hidden. 


Thank you,


So was Nightmare supposed to signify anything? Was Nightmare an alias? I knew I had to be like Nancy Drew, and crack this case, no matter what the cost. I would hide the knife, but then there was some major sleuthing to do. 

 "Hermione?" Draco called, "Are you okay? You've been in there for a long time."

"I'm fine Draco, don't worry, I'll be out in a second." I answered.

  That was close, if he had opened the door, then he would have seen the letter, and all would be ruined.

 As I put the letter back into the cabinet, I grabbed a lip gloss, slathered it on, and then left.

  "Let's go." I said, hoping to sound convincing enough that nothing had happened.

  He didn't question me at all. He put out his arm for me to grab onto, so I did. Our arms linked, and we left to go outside. We stayed silent, but that was understandable, there was still a strain between us.

  As we arrived at the Black Lake, we took a look around, and sat at a bench. This was one of my favourite places on the school grounds, and I used to come here often with Harry and Ron. Draco and I could see Dumbledore's grave, and I could sense guilt coming off of him.

Could I say anything to make it better? Or would I just make it worse? I decided not to say anthing, because I figured that I would make it worse, so in my own way, I tried to do something to divert is attention from the grave.

  I walked over to the edge of the water and whispered, "Aguamenti."

 Water shot out of my wand, and I focused in my head on creating a fountain in the center of the lake. As I opened my eyes, I saw a water fountain, which was literally made from water, emerge from the center of the lake, as if the center of the lake was my wand, and the water stopped coming from my wand as well. It was four tiered, and the jets of water created beautiful patterns, and as they hit the surface of the lake, the patterns were even more clear.

"Hermione, how did you do that?" He asked me, sounding surprised.

As I turned around, I smiled at him, and said, "I read about how to do it in a book, I thought it was very pretty, and it would be nice to do here, considering that so many of my memories lie here."

"Oh really? Why don't you tell me some of them?" He asked me.

"Only if you'll share some of your memories with me." I countered, sounding a bit playful.

"I don't really have any good memories around here." He said solemnly.

"You must!" I exclaimed, "Even if they're not from right here, you must have sme good ones from someplace around here."

"I don't have many." He said, sounding a bit like his father, and it was starting to scare me.

"Never mind." I said, my voice small, not wanting to push him any further.

 He didn't say anything else, which was a surprise, becuse I was sure he was going to. I stayed where I was, as did he, and we didn't say a word. What I did really took a toll on our relatinship, and I knew that he shouldn't forgive me for it, that maybe we were meant to lead different lives.

 As I said those words, my fountain dissolved, the last jet went out, and I knew it was because my emotions changed so quickly.

"I-I think I'm going to head back, it's getting late, and we have classes in the morning." I said, breaking the silence. I started to walk back, and when I went to walk past Draco, he grabbed my arm, and pulled me onto the bench, right next to where he was sitting. 

He put his arm around me, and pulled me close to him.

"Draco?" I asked, unsure of what exactly he was doing.

"Shh. I'll tell you a memory of mine." He whispered.

I felt bad, like I had forced him to tell me in a way. He wasn't clear to me, right now he was a storm, a storm of bottled up emptions.

 "One of the few memories I have here, was when I came here a few summers ago, and saw a meeting of Death Eaters. I had stumbled upon them accidently, and I watched what they did. They were torturing a poor little second year student. At the time I didn't care, but now I feel so much remorse for watching and letting it happen. And do you want to know why?" He asked me.

"Yes, I would." I told him truthfully.

"I feel so much remorse, because you opened up my eyes. Before you showed up, before you and Harry and Ron saved my mother and I from the ministry, I didn't give a damn about anything like that. I didn't care. I didn't know what to do with the rest of my life. All I knew, was that I had to obey Voldemort, and especially my father. When you came into my life, you gave me an opportunity to become a better person, to show that I was my own person. To show that I could be who I wanted to be, and not my horrible father's shadow. I never, ever want to be a thing like my father." He told me so seriously, I was speechless.

The only thing I said was, "I love you." 

He smiled, "I love you more."

 I didn't have any other words, but the thoughts I had, spilled when the first tear left my eye and hit my cheek.

"Why are you crying?" He asked me.

"Because you've showed me tha you are such a good person, that you are a great man. That despite your flaws, you work to make yourself better. That you are picking up the pieces you left behind, and most importantly, that you're you." I told him.

 He leaned in, and kissed me. It only lasted a second, but it was perfect.

"Let's head back." I said, smiling, my tears slowly stopping.

We walked back to ur dormitory, Draco's hand still around me.

As soon as we got back in, I smiled again. Despite what was happening, maybe we were taking a turn for the better.


Well hello again! I know I've been gone for way too long, but I'm back. I've been working on some new stories, and you will probaby see a few of them up in the next month! I've also been back to school for a while, and I have a ton of assesments and tests, so I've been really busy. I promise some more updates coming soon, and the next update will also contain the winner of my contest. My entire playlist will be in the next update, and I can't wait for you guys to see it!

But for now, I'm going to give you guys one song that was on it, and that I used for this update especially!

It is:

Concerto for Two Violins by Johann Sebastian Bach

(I love violin, and Bach's music.)

Anyway, until the next update!

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