The Knot

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(A/N) So, I went back to school yesterday, so I won't be able to make as many updates. My update days are Tuesday, perhaps Wednesday, Thursday, perhaps Friday and one day over the weekend because I like to have at least two days off. Monday there will definitely not be an update, because I have extracurriculars and my violin lessons.

 Please don't hate my schedule, but I really do try to update at least three times a week.

I'm trying out complete past tense this chapter, and if I like it, I may stick to it.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except for the plot, new spells and new characters. All rights go to J.K Rowling.


Hermione's POV

I woke up bright and early the next morning. I had a meeting with McGonagall to go to, and it started in fifteen minutes time. I got dressed, brushed my teeth and did my makeup. I stepped out of my bedroom, and noticed that the cupboards were filled to the brim with food, and dishes.

  I wasn't hungry, so I rushed out the door quickly. I ran down the halls, scared that I was going to be late.I had a few angry paintings yell at me to slow down, but I didn't stop. How could I, Hermione Granger be late to a meeting? I wasn't going to let that happen, and my meeting started in two minutes.

  Luckily, I made it to the office with thirty seconds to spare. McGonagall ushered me into her office, and I took  seat.

  "Ms. Granger," she started, "I heard that there was an episode on the train yesterday between you, Harry and Ron. Would you care to explain to me what happened?"

 "Of course professor," I responded, "What happened yesterday, was that Ron had come into my compartment with Harry. You know what he did this summer, and I tried to control my anger. Unfortunately, my efforts were futile. I ended up punching him, and I was very angry with both Harry and Ron, so I told them both to get out."

  McGonagall nods her head, and then says, "What else happened, between you and Harry? You both seemed perfectly fine together at the feast and Sorting."

  "Well, I yelled at him for a while on the train. If you didn't know, we dated for a while, but he cheated on me. I'm sorry professor, for any troubles that I have caused." I explained.

  She nodded her head, and said, "I'm sorry if I seemed to be diving down into your personal life there, but I'm just trying to make sure that my school is a safe place. Please don't do anything violent again this year, or I will have to discipline you."

  I understand and I lower my head, "Yes, professor."

  I then stand up, and take my leave.

Harry's POV

  I had this brilliant plan all made up in my mind to win back Hermione. She's going to practically come back to me, begging on her knees for me to take her back. The boy who lived is going to make her live a little bit more. She's amazing, and without her, I wouldn't be here, or even alive that is.

   "Dean, Seamus, Ron!" I called, getting their attention. We were in the Room of Requirement, I was explaining to them how my plan was going to work. They were all going to pitch in, and then I'd owe them something, except for Ron. I told him that I'd let him be my friend again if he helped. He reluctantly agreed, and that also helped me to rule him out as someone who would try to take her away from me.

 "Alright," I said once I had their attention, "So Hermione is walking into her charms class, and Seamus will 'accidently' trip her, and she'll fall right into my arms. Then when she's at the library, Dean will push some books out of the shelf, and they'll fall on her. I'll whisk them away with a sell that I learned in first year, and she'll thank me. Then, Ron will walk into the courtyard while she's there, and he will try to talk to her. I'll be there in a flash, and I'll take her back to the common room and consult her as well."

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