Back To Hogwarts

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So, new chapter! Yay! I'd like some feedback, and I welcome any criticism, so don't be afraid to tell me about any grammatical errors, typos or if you just don't like it! Oh, and I do change from past to present tense a lot. So, in case you're wondering why, it just seems to fit. 


All rights go to J.K Rowling. I don't own anything except for the new spells, characters, plot, etc.


Hermione's POV

The next two weeks passed by smoothly. I didn't really talk to Draco, I talked to him only when I had to. Luckily, there were no more 'scenes', or at least none that I had seen. Draco didn't really say much, he just walked around the house and went out. I rarely saw him, but Narcissa always made sure that I was doing something. Narcissa was really happy to have another girl in the house, even if it was the girl whose fault it had been that her husband had gone to Azkaban.

   She tried to get me to do these 'girls night out' sort of thing that she always had been wanting to do. We had a couple of these nights, and we went out shopping, we went out to eat and we'd do other fun activities. I really enjoyed my stay, but I felt like I was prolonging my stay longer than I needed to. I talked to Narcissa about it, but she wanted for me to stay, because she enjoyed not being lonely.

  When it came time for Draco and I to go back to Hogwarts, she told me that I had to come visit when I was on Holiday. I promised her that I would, as we had lots of fun while I was there. I never really thought about the Weasleys or Harry, because they weren't really a concern to me anymore. I obviously wasn't going to get back together with either one of them, and I wasn't willing to forgive either one of them.

   As Draco and I went through the barricade to get to platform 9 3/4, I hugged Narcissa, and she hugged me too.

 "I'll come visit over the Holidays!" I tell her, "Oh! And I'll write you as well."


 She nods her head, and Draco and I board the Hogwarts Express. He turns to the left and goes into his regular compartment, just to be shooed out moments later.

 "Let's just, you know, get our own compartment." I suggest. Draco nods his head, and he follows me into an empty compartment on the direct right. I take out one of my books, and read silently. Draco just looks out the window, and we're silent. We still don't say anything, and we just do our own things.

   A few hours later, as we start to near our destination, Draco stands up and opens his trunk. He grabs his Hogwarts robes, and then pulls off his shirt.

  "What are you doing?" I ask, with shock resonating in my voice.

  He looks over, still shirtless and smirks, "I'm getting my robes on," he says, "For someone who appears so smart, you're being really dumb."

  That snaps something inside of me. I can't believe that he just called me dumb. My jaw drops open, and Draco laughs. I frown and scowl at him.

 "No, I mean why are you doing it in here?" I ask.

  "I don't know, maybe it was because I'm comfortable getting changed in here?" He says sarcastically.

 I don't bother him, and go back to my book. I'll get changed later, and in the bathroom at that. I try not to look, but somehow, it's hard to resist. I see that he's now sat down, with his Hogwarts robes on as well.

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