Kidnapped by my bully {Niall Horan}

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Here is is, finally! I have decided to put my other 2 books on hod -

- I'm in Love with my Kidnapper!

- The BadBoy Next Door

They would not actually be on hold but I had terrible writers block with them both, I don't have the inspiration needed for them as I have not read a book about "falling in love with your kidnapper" or a book about a "badboy" in a while, I have only been reading "fanfictions" lately so I have got alot of good ideas and inspiration.

In my Library all it consists of is "fanfictions" and all that sort of thing so I am pretty hooked on them atm, and they are mainly One Direction ones.

I will introduce you to the people ---- (BTW the boys ages are not there ages they are in REAL life!)

Main ~
Niall Horan (Niall James Horan):
Age: 18
2 years later he is 20
From: Mullingar, Ireland
Kasey (Kasey Joy Hemmings):( but there is a twist, she is really a part of the Malik family.)
Age: 17
2 years later she is 19
Not as Main -
Harry Styles (Harry Edward Styles):
Age: 18
2 years later when he comes back he is 20
Louis Tomlinson (Louis William Tomlinson):
Age: 19
2 years later when he comes back he is 21
Zayn Malik (Zayn Javadd Malik):
Age: 19
2 years later when he comes back he is 21
Liam Payne (Liam James Payne):
Age: 18
2 years later when he comes back he is 20


So you have met the People! Now to get on with the story!! These are kinda all main but 2 are MainMain! There will be more than this at the beggining though!

Kidnapped by my bully {Niall Horan}Where stories live. Discover now