Chapter 27

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Kasey's POV

"Kasey! Open the god damn door!" Braiden yelled, what happened to him been sweet and kind? He seems a little like a jerk.

I quickly pack a bag with clothes and packed all the food that I kept in my mini fridge. Then I grabbed all the money I had witch I kept inside a locked draw, there was around £200,000 altogether which I had saved, this would get me through easily. I threw a warm jacket on and my converse, grabbing my phone and also chucking all my electrical things and chargers into my bag.

I made my way onto my balcony m Braiden still banging and yelling. I had steps leading down to the back yard kind of like a fire escape, I quickly jogged down those, ran across the lawn and the the back gate towards where my new car was parked, I rummaged through my pockets looking for the keys knowing they were last in one of them luckily I found them and quickly unlocked the car chucking my bag in and jumping into the drivers seat. I started the car up and drove away from the house hoping Braiden hadn't noticed I had left just yet.

I had no idea where I was going but I knew deep down I needed to go to the airport so that's where I drove to.

Eventually I arrived there and jumped out grabbing my bag, I knew that they would fly my car over with me so I wasn't bothered. I headed inside the airport a few people looking over at me, but I just shoved my sunglasses onto my face so I didn't draw unwanted attention. I made my way to a counter to get my tickets.

"One ticket to England please." I asked politely.

"Your in look, there is one leaving in 15 minutes. You best hurry." She handed me my ticket and I have her my money and thanked her. I picked my bag back up and made my way to the terminal.


I was finally on a plane on my way home, here I belong. It's been two long weeks of Florida and I honestly hated it. I missed the boys, the girls, my brother, family and Niall. It would be around 6am when I arrive at the airport back home, it took an hour to get to the airport in Florida. I would just surprise the boys when I got back.


I was back in England, but just another 10 minutes away from the airport, I grew exited an began to shuffle around in my seat getting ready to get off the plane and into my car, they luckily did agree to fly it over and that left about 10 minutes before my flight so it would already be there ready for my to just get into and drive home.

I sent Simon a text so that he knew what was going on.

'Uncle Simon I really don't want to "fake date" Braiden, honestly I barely know him. I don't care if the fans don't like me and Niall together but I guess that's tough. I'm on my way back home where I belong, I need my family not some fake boyfriend, I need my mum, I need to talk to her and I can't so that properly if I'm stuck in Florida. I don't care if Braiden loses his career, why should I? I should have that pressure on me, and I'm not going to.'

I hit the send button and just as I put my phone away we were about to land.


I made my way out to where all the cars were and searched for mine, it was around 6:08am now it took nearly 10 minutes to get outside. I finally found my car and unlocked it chucking my bag inside and hopping in, once I was in I decided to lock my doors just making me feel safer. I usually do lock them. I started the car up and reversed out of the space and made my way out of the airport. I drove for about 20 minutes until I saw a Mc Donald's and decided to grab something to eat.

"How may I help you?" The woman spoke over the intercom as I decided to take the drive through.

"One chocolate chip frappé, and a chocolate doughnut please." I replied.

Kidnapped by my bully {Niall Horan}Where stories live. Discover now