Chapter 21

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Niall's POV ~

When I kissed her I still felt those se sparks that I felt 2 years ago. I still love her... Am I been to hard on her?

She dated while I was away, but when I found out it honestly crushed me, I felt my whole world fall apart around me, I'd lost the one thing I've fought for in my life. I saw a picture of them the media got and he had blonde hair and blue eyes, only his was a natural blonde and no brunette.

I followed her into the house and into the living room where everyone was sat, but she made her way into the kitchen, there was only one chair left so I sat down with a smirk on my face.

"What are you smirking about?" Harry asked confused.

"Didn't you see those two outside before they came in?" Josh piped up causing me to roll my eyes. Harry and Louis fits clenched into balls causing there knuckles to turn white.

"No, what where they do-" Harry was cut of by Kasey walking into the room and placing a tray with 10 hot mugs of tea on the table next to a pile if presents. Why were there presents? It wasn't here birthday until the 5th of June which isn't for another month.

"Presents?" I asked but sounded more like a stupid comment.

"Oh right there welcome home gifts, I got them specially made for you." Kasey smiled while beginning to hand them out, all the girls faces lit up when they saw the lockets they had, they were really nice. They all have her a hug and said thank you.

Then she started on the boys. She gave Josh his first and when she handed it to him he winked at her, I chose to ignore it. She carried on handing out the presents but never gave me mine... But there was on left on the table. All the boys had already said thank you and have her a hug but she never got to me.

I felt the strings tug at my heart as I looked down at the floor trying to control my feelings. Kasey had gone into the kitchen for something and left us all in the room waiting for her.

"Niall? You ok mate?" Liam asked noticing my reaction.

"Urm.. Yea." I replied unsure still looking at the floor.

"What's going on between you and Kasey? Why does she act scared around you?" I looked up to see Perrie looking at me intently waiting for me to answer.

"I don't know." I sighed leaning back in the chair.

Kasey walked back in with a cake that was quiet big and had icing on and writing on which said :

'Welcome home!'

And all around the side had all out names written on it. I couldn't help but notice that my name was slightly bigger than everyone else's but I'm just been stupid.

"urm here's your present.." She drifted of handing the the present. When I opened it I smiled at her, it was a watch but engraved but at the side of it was a little engraved infinity sign.

Kasey was about to walk away and sit on the floor when I grabbed her waist and pulled her down onto my lap, I pulled her back into my chest and wrapped my arms around her.

"Thank you." I whispered into her hair, her hair smelled of strawberries just like I remember. She flinched but soon relaxed and melted into me.

She pulled away but stayed where she was, 10 minutes later a phone went of signalling someone had a text message.

Kasey left my lap and a wave of cold air hit me, she walked towards the phone and opens the text up and the colour drained from her face.

"Niall! Stop it! Stop sending me these creepy texts! This is your fault!" She screamed at me, I was entirely oblivious to when she was talking about. Everyone looked shocked at her outburst.

Kidnapped by my bully {Niall Horan}Where stories live. Discover now