Chapter 24

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Kaseys POV ~

How can I tell him? He doesn't remember me he's basically just been sympathetic towards me. I sighed whipping my tears away and pulling away fully standing up, I need to get out of this house.

"I'm g-going out." I whimpered pulling my jacket on and walking out the house. I was heading for town I though I could do a little shopping and then get my mind of of everything, I have nothing else to do today unless I want to mope around watching Niall all day wishing that he was mine and remembered me.

Before I knew it I was already in town. I realised I had forgot my sunglasses so I would just have to keep my head down because last time I forgot them I got mobbed my fans. Lets just say being 'Zayn's long lost sister' makes you quiet famously known to people.

I walked into a jewellery store and saw the most gorgeous Cartier Love bracelets, I wish he would buy me one. I decided to keep in looking until I found a beautiful necklace with a diamond heart on a gold chain.

"Can I help you miss?" I turned around and smiled, the girls face was a shocked expression, she was only around 18.

"Uh yes please, how much is this necklace?" I asked politely pointing to the necklace I was just looking at.

"That one is £3,879." She smiled, it was alot more expensive than I expected, I have literally thousands upon thousands, if not millions of pounds because of Zayns career and he shares his money out between himself and the family to make sure we are all ok and to buy ourselves things from time to time.

"But because you are Kasey Malik I presume, we can make you a sale with 50% off." I smiled at her kindness and agreed on buying the necklace, she took it to the counter and wrapped it up in a box and in a fancy bag, with a bow on the top. Once I paid I gave her a large tip for the kindness.

"Thank you, maybe I could get a autograph and a picture?" She asked hopefully and smiling shyly.

"Sure, also if you ever want to we can get coffee and hang out?" I suggested, writing out the autograph and taking a picture with her, I put my phone number on the paper and gave it back to her.

"Wow thanks! And definitely, ill text you later?" She asked, I smiled and nodded and said talk later and left with my bag.

I decided to go into Victoria Secret and look around and ended up buying a new bikini because summer was on it way really fast plus when I move into the mansion with all the boys, Zayn told me there was a pool.

I must have been shopping for a few hours and already had around 8 bags. I decided it was probably time to go home as it was around 4:30pm and they would be wondering where I actually vanished of to.

----/AT HOME\----

Nialls POV ~

I was pacing around the living room wondering where she was, I had no idea she just got up and left. I don't really know her but for some reason I seem drawn to her, I had been shirtless the entire day and when I walked past a mirror I saw a tattoo inked on my skin with initials and a date, what were they?

"Niall? Sit down, she'll be back soon." Perrie tried to push me onto the sofa but I refused and carried on pacing.

About 10 minutes later I herd the front door open and rustling of bags, I hurried to the hallway where I saw Kasey hanging her jacket up.

"Where were you?" I asked softly walking up to her and wrapping my arms around her body.

"I wanted to go out to town so I went.." She trailed of looking at the ground.

"C'mon, I don't care if its only 4:50 your coming with me and im going to cheer you up." I smiled, picking her bags up and pulling her upstairs with me into my room. I really want to get to know her, she seems so fragile and broken, and I want to know why.

Kidnapped by my bully {Niall Horan}Where stories live. Discover now