Chapter 52

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Niall's POV


I woke up to banging on the front door, I glanced at the clock on my table.. 10:35, wow I slept in. I sat up and got out of bed and pulled my joggers on and shirt and walked downstairs, unlocking the door and opening it. I was shocked to who I saw.. Kasey was stood at my front door with tears running down her face.

"Kasey whats wrong?" I asked letting her in. "Wheres Leo?"

"Leo's at mums and Dan.. he- I saw him with another girl." She crided harder, hicuping.

I sighed and looked down, why did she come here? Does she really think that I am going to help her with this? She shuld have gone to her brother, not me. We barely ever talk anymore! "Explain."


Kasey's POV

1 hour earlier.


I dropped Leo off at my mums and drove to Dan's house to surprise him. I knocked on the front door and he didn't answer but he was in becasue I could hear loud music coming from inside. I pulled my key out my bag that he gave me and unlocked the door, walking in and closing it behind me.

"Dan!" I herd a girls voice giggle from unstairs. My body tensed up and I slowly and quietly made my way up stairs to his room. I pushed the door open a bit and peared in.

"Stop.. Jess I can't do this anymore, it's not fair on Kasey. What were doing is wrong." He sighed looking down.

"But she will never find out." The girl spoke.

"But what if-" I cut him off slamming the door closed, well just the opening but it sure made a noise. I ran down stairs and I herd the music stop, the door open and then close again and I glanced back when I got to the door and looked back.

"Kasey wait!" Dan called.

"Why should I?! I thought you loved me!" I screamed at him. A look of hurt flashed through his eyes.

"I do!" He defended himself.

"If you loved me then you would never have cheated on me!" I screamed. "Did you seriously expect me not to find out?" I questioned.

"I never wanted you too..." He sighed. "I'm realy sorry." He apolagised and walked over too me and tried to wrap his arms around me. I pushed away and opend there door walking out, I glanced behind me and looked at him. "Were done." I spoke, taking the necklance off and throwing it back at him. "Give that to Jess!" And then I slammed the door running to my car.

Just as I got in Dan ran out the front door and to the car, I locked the door just as he went to open it, he began banging on the window, "Kasey please!" He yelled. I sighed and felt a tear roll down my face. I quickly whiped it away and started the car, pulling away and driving off down the road.

I drove for a while and then thought about going hom... but I didn't wan't to be alone. So I drove to the first place I thought of... Niall's. What am I doing.


Back to present.

Still Kasey's POV


And that's why i'm here, I finally stopped cring, Niall was sat looking at me, he looked angy. He stood up and left the room. "Kasey i'll be back soon." He called. I herd the front door open and then slam closed casuing me to flinch.

I had a bad feeling I knew where he was going. So I just sat and waited..

And waited..

And waited..

Kidnapped by my bully {Niall Horan}Where stories live. Discover now