Chapter 10

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Harry's POV ~

What has even happened? Why is Kasey even here? She went on holiday apparently, when Louis told me what he thought I didn't realise it was actually true, neither did he at the time. How long has he even known? And way was he kissing Kasey? Niall was posses of big time and sent Kasey downstairs with Liam, leaving me and Zayn to sort him and Louis out.

"Louis, what is going on?" I asked him after I sorted him out.

"Everything I told you was true he did take her, he locked her in a room numerous times and hit her and god knows what else! Then he starts kissing her and she kissed him back and I saw so I stormed out and Niall came out to me and asked why I stormed out, and -" I cut him of, he was so pissed off, he had his jean in his hands.

"Well why did you storm out?" I asked him.

"Because Harry, you know how much she means to me, and I just wanted her, I should have just told her how I felt by no I had to force myself onto her!" He told me, he was nearly in tears the poor lad.

"Bloody hell Lou, c'mon let's sort this out, I'll fetch her you wait here." I told him, ugh this is so hard! Niall wants her, Louis wants her and damn so do I and I don't intend to say anything because she is already in a tough situation as it is without me adding to that list.

I left the room and went down stairs to find Kasey in Niall's arms.

"Shh baby girl, it's ok, everything is fine, Lou didn't mean to make you cry, he.. He just like you." I herd him coo to her quietly to calm her down.

"Urm sorry to break this but Kasey you need to talk to Louis and so do I, it will only take a minute, I promise." I told her reaching my hand out for her.

She hesitantly grabbed my hand and I started to lead her towards the stairs.

"Try and thing and your dead Styles." Niall called out to me jokingly.

"No promises there mate." I called back to him and turned my head and winked in his direction laughing, Niall let out a shot laugh and started talking to the lads.

Niall's POV ~

I will just listen into there chat after I'm done talking to the lads, Kasey will be fine because even though me and harry joked about it there was still truth behind it and he knew that.

Kasey's POV ~

Harry lead me up the stairs I was calm now and no longer crying by I was still nervous to face Louis, I don't understand why he did it.

We got to the door and harry looked down at me.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yea, I guess." I replied back looking at the door.

Harry opened the door and walked me in, the first thing I noticed was Louis say on the bed with his head in his hands and was finally dressed. He looked up and as soon as he saw me his eyes lot up.

"Kasey I am so sorry! I didn't mean to!" He apologised. He looked so sincere.

"Lou it's ok, don't apologise." I told him because honestly I love Louis to bits and I don't want to lose him, I just don't love him in that sense.

Louis walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me, and I hugged him back, that was until Harry cleared his throat interrupting out hug.

"Kasey I need to talk to you, we both do." I began to worry because all it is going to be is something I don't want to hear and it's not going to be to nice.

"What about?" I asked as Louis lead me to sit on the bed.

"Niall." Was all Harry said, that one name made me curious like I had to know.

Kidnapped by my bully {Niall Horan}Where stories live. Discover now