Chapter 28

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Niall's POV

"Niall, wake up." I woke up to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and looked up finding Harry looking down at me.

"What?" I groaned pulling the cover further up.

"Why is it so hot in the house, also why is all the curtains closed and the lights off. Also it's 3:55pm, the lads didn't want to wake you, you've been sleeping for about 2 and a half hours, we came downstairs about 12:45 to find you sleeping." He spoke.

"Because it's cold outside and we were cold and tired so there's your answer." I replied pulling Kasey further onto me, he couldn't see her because of the cover was over her fully.

"We?" He questioned confused.

"Just shh go away, fetch nandos." I groaned rubbing my eyes.

"Niall we will have it for dinner just get up! I know you miss Kasey but you can't just be lazy all the time!" He shouted. Before I knew it harry was pulling the cover of me and Kasey and throwing it to the ground. He looked shocked but happy.

"What? When did she get home?" He grinned.

"I found her this morning outside." I spoke caressing her cheek.

"I'll go back to the lads." He spoke turning around and leaving the room.

"Kasey, wake up. It's time to get up." I spoke quietly.

"Kasey..." I nudged her. Her eyes fluttered open and looked around and her gaze finally focused on me, a huge smile played on her lips.

"I missed you." She spoke. "Can we stay like this I'm warm and comfy?"

"I missed you to and if we could then yes, but the boys are going to come and disturb us in a moment." I explained sitting up. I pulled her up with me and wrapped my arms around her.

"How did you get back?" I asked looking down at her.

"Snuck our and drove to the airport, got a plane back. They flew my car over for me and then I drove home." She spoke deep in thought.

"You ok? What you thinking about?" I asked.

"Do I still have a room?" She asked quietly.

"Yea you do, nothing has changed at all, I've been feeding your fish for you though." I smiled at her.

"Thank you." She grinned ruffling my hair up.

"Where is she?!" I herd Zayn yell as he ran into the room, Kasey jumped up and ran into his arms, he wrapped his arms around her protectively and kissed the top of her head.

"I'm not letting you go anywhere ever again." He cried.

"Where's my hug?" Liam smiled.


Kasey's POV


When I had hugged everyone I sat beck down on the sofa with Niall, it was nice and warm in the house from all the heat been sent around it.

"So does Simon know your here and Braiden?" Liam asked.

"I sent Simon a text and I left Braiden without him knowing." I spoke. "I wanted to come home to my family." I smiled.

"Simons gonna be pissed." Louis laughed.

"And Braiden is going to lose his career." I coughed.

"Good." Niall groaned into my ear gripping my waist tighter and rubbing his nose on my cheek.

Kidnapped by my bully {Niall Horan}Where stories live. Discover now