Reunions Aren't Always Fun

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I walk over and sit down at the table with Kilorn as the king finishes his speech with, "Let the night begin!"

Mare's POV
It seems like forever as we wait for Cal's speech which I don't mind because I'm still trying to think of what to exactly say to Cal. "Oh hey Cal, remember me? The girl who tried to rob you but in return you gave a fortune to and a job to save her life. Then about a day after that I become engaged to your brother but ending up kissing you. Oh speaking of your brother he's planning to kill your father tonight and blaming you on it. Ok well nice catching up." I let out a frustrated groan which I immediately wished I didn't because I forgot I had to act like a lady. It's times like these I'm thankful for Lady Blonos because without her lessons I would have no idea how to act here. Kilorn is annoying enough a naturally charming person and surprisingly a good liar. He's talking to some silver about our "life" in the country.
"It's going well so far," Kilorn says "Stop looking so nervous." I glared at him and say
"I'm not nervous." "Ya right," he says we a grin. I'm not lying though, I'm not nervous. I'm terrified. I take a deep breath and realize that I can't be in this room full of silvers any longer.
"I'm going to the bathroom," I tell Kilorn. "Ok but don't take long, I think Cal is going to give his speech soon." I glance at the clock and realize he's right.
"I'll be quick," I said before scurrying through the sea of people, my feet confident as ever as thy lead me through the crowd.
I keep my head down so I don't notice him coming. I guess he doesn't notice too because he runs straight into me. I'm very small compared to him and I fall down. An unpleasant sound escapes my mouth when I look up to be see who it is.
"Oh I'm so sorry my lady!" Cal says as he pulls me up with his arm. He stares down at me with those soft bronze eyes that can make anyone melt.
"Umm oh Your Highness," I say giving a curtsy. He smile at me with slightly furrowed eyebrows and says,
  "You look very familiar miss. Have we met before?"
"Umm well," I take a second to think, Nows the perfect time. You need to do this Mare. I was hoping I would have more time to think about what to say to him but looks like that's over.
"You do know me Cal," I say and I grab his arm and pull him with me through the crowd trying to find a hidden place to talk. I'm surprised he just lets me take him along through the crowd. We find a hidden spot and I let go of his arm. Before he can say anything I start talking,
"Ok I know you're not going to believe me but it's me Mare. Yes, Mare Molly Barrow, the lighting girl. I'm not dead Elara just made me pretend I'm dead because well she didn't like me very much I guess. I'm sorry I didn't tell you that night but I was trying to protect you by not telling you, which is what I'm doing now. " He looks at me with bewildered eyes and I can tell he doesn't believe me and thinks this is some kind of joke. I try to think of something to make him believe it was me when I thought of something. I tucked my hair behind my ear so he could see the earrings there.
He gasped and whispered,  "Mare?"
"Cal it's me," I whisper back closing the space between us. I wasn't ready for his next move. He pulled me toward him enclosing me in a great warm embrace. I returned it by putting my arms arms around his neck while his were wrapped around my waist. After what seemed like hours but could have only been a few seconds, he lets go and I did the same staring at his eyes that are filled with happiness. I really don't want to tell him the rest.
"Wait so why are you here at the ball Mare? And why are you dressed like someone from House Welle?" Cal says.
"It kinda of a long story that I don't have time for because I came here to warn you," I reply.
"Warn me about what?" he says questioning. I take a deep breath and tell him about what I heard Elara and Maven say. I left out about the part of me being apart of the Scarlet Guard because I think he can only take so much. Or maybe it's because I'm selfish and I don't want him to hate me.
He takes a step back and says, "Your lying, Mavey would never do that.
"Cal I wish I was lying, I really wish I was. But why would I come all this way just to lie to you," I plead trying to make him understand.     "Ok," he takes a deep breath. "I believe you."
"Your Highness" a guard that walks up says, "We've all been looking everywhere you for you. It's time for your speech."
"Ok I'll be right there," Cal replies. The guard glances my way for a second then walks away.
"Go to the second floor and turn right at the painting. Go to the third room on the right and open it with this key. I'll come right after my speech and then we can figure out what to do," he says this all very quickly and hands me a gold key and walks away. I look after him terrified. The last thing I want to do is go running through the palace. I take a deep breath and head towards the staircase.
Whitefire doesn't look much different than the last time I was here. My quick feet take me throughly the hallways thinking over Cal's institutions in my head. Turn right at the painting, third room on the right. I see the painting and turn right and then go three doors down and put the key in. It turns and lets out a click and I enter.
I can tell that this is Cal's room judging by the mess of books and armor. It looks almost exactly like his room at Summerton but there's a big window that looks out the garden. There's a window seat there so I sit and wait for Cal. Oh God the Scarlet Guard is suppose to "attack" and I didn't warn Cal. Ahh Kilorn is going to be so worried about where I've gone I forgot to tell him. I lay by head beck against the window and close my eyes. I thought I escaped this silver world with all the betrayals and secrets. But it's my fault I threw myself into it. Just like I always do.
A knock at the door disturbs me from my thoughts. I perk up at the thought of seeing Cal and almost run towards the door. But it's not Cal when I open the door. Instead I look up to icy blue eyes that I know too well. "Hello little lighting girl, miss me?" Maven says.

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