Scarlet Guard 2.0

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I lean against the wall of the lift as it starts to go up not prepared for what's to come tonight.

Mare's POV
  I sit by the window waiting for midnight to come. I'm glad I have some time before midnight so I can think over what Maven told me when he was walking me to my room.
Usually cool and calm, 'I can't want to be queen,' Evangeline was not that way tonight. Maven said he heard someone ask her about when the wedding was and she got all upset and walked away. I would think usually Evangeline would love talking about her future husband Cal, since she was gloating all about it when I was here, but I guess something changed.
The clock them strikes midnight making me get up. I stop in my tracks before I touch the doorknob. I have been so desperate to talk to someone that I realized I don't even know who I'm meeting. I mean I'm pretty sure it's someone from the Scarlet Guard because midnight was also the time I would meet them. But it's not like Farley is in control anymore. So who's their new leader. Hopefully I'll find out tonight.
I'm not even a foot out of my room when I'm come to my first problem.
"Um Lady Titanos, where do you think you're going?" asks Lucas.
Shit. I totally forgot about him.
"I was going to the library Lucas," I say going around him to keep walking but he stops me again.
"It's late my lady. I don't think that's the best idea," he replies.
"Lucas," I say trying to sound very sad. "If I'm being totally honest I think that coming back here has just been really overwhelming and I just need to calm down so please just let me go,"
"Fine, but I'm coming with you," he says.
"Lucas please, I just need some time alone. Plus this castle is very guarded I'll be fine,"
He huffs a breath and then says, "Ok just be careful,"
"Of course," I say and with that I'm on my way. If I was the Mare that lived in the Hall of Sun and was just being introduced the the silver life then I wouldn't get why Lucas is so worried, I mean this is a castle filled with guards whose main purpose is to protect the royal family which I'm kinda a part of now. Why should I be scared.
But now I know better. This place is filled with Elara supporters and they hate the royal family. I have to watch my step around here, more that ever before.
I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize I don't know where the library is. I decided to go back to my room to ask Lucas where to go but one look back I saw I don't know how to get back there either. I've never actually been around the palace without a guard so I don't really know how to get around.
I let out a frustrated groan. It was getting late now and I'm afraid they might leave. I was looking around to try to find out where I am when I spot something I recognize at the end of the hallway. It's the painting that leads to Cal's room. I remember from the night of the ball. I can ask Cal for directions to go to the library!
   I hurry along the halls turning right at the painting and going to Cal's room and knock on the door.
Please be in your room. Please be in your room.
Cal opens the door, rubbing his eyes from sleep. He's in his pajamas which consists of cotton pants and a thin cotton shirt.
"Mare? Is that you? What are you doing here, it's like the middle of the night," he says while yawning.
"I wanted to go to the library and I got lost, so I was wondering if you could help me,"
He nods his head, still not fully awake and says, "Just wait a sec,"
"Oh great,"' I think. "He's coming with me, I just wanted directions,"
He comes back with actual clothes and more
awake eyes and leads me out the door and down another hall.
"So why are you going to the library at night again," he says talking as we walk.
"Oh um, I couldn't sleep so I wanted to go to the library," I say.
He looks over at me with worried eyes. "Are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm fine. Just not tired I guess," I reply. I don't want him to worry over a lie.
"Ok," he says back, not convinced.
We're quiet for a while as Cal leads me through dozens of hallways. How am I ever going to get back on my own?
I say something I probably shouldn't but have been wanting to know his reaction on for a while now.
"So, your wedding is coming up soon," I say.
A sad looks crosses his face as he responds, "Yes,"
I hate to see him upset so I try to say something to make him happy but all that comes out of my mouth is, "Well I can't wait to be a bridesmaid!"
I think that makes him even more upset because for the rest of the way we don't talk. We finally get to the library and before I walk in I say, "I'm sorry for bringing the wedding up," in a soft voice.
He just smiles that smile that I love in response.
"Um you can go back to sleep, I think I'll find the way back. Even though this castle is huge," I say with a little laugh.
"There actually was another quicker way to take but I took the longer way," he says with another smile and goes down another hallway, looking at some paintings as he goes.
He took the longer way. That kind of upsets me considering I could have been here quicker but most of it warms my heart. He took the longer way to spend more time with me. And of course I ruined it by talking about his soon to be wedding.
"Ok," I tell myself. "I need to focus," With confident steps I enter the library.
"Hello?" I say looking around. The library is beautiful, like everything else in the palace. Thousands and thousands of books are all placed on elegant shelfs with comfy chairs and sofas sprinkled around the room. The cameras aren't shut off so I guess the person I'm meeting doesn't want them off. Good call that wood be too suspicious and someone might find us here. I try to act casual looking for a clue on where to go. I think back to the message -"Library, Midnight"- Well this library is huge so where in the library am I meant to go. I think back to the message. There must be something else, another clue.
With a gasp I got it. The message was on a pastry, so maybe the cooking books? It's worth a shot. I go through all the sections until I find the cooking section. It's in a hidden corner of the library and none of the cameras have a view. Perfect for secret meetings. But there is no one here. At least I don't think.
"Mare," says a whispered voice. I almost scream but I stop myself. No one is around me. "I've gone insane," I think "I'm talking to a ghost."
"I'm not a ghost if that's what your thinking. I'm just invisible. You'll get to see me soon enough," the voice says in an annoyed tone. The voice belongs to a girl.Now that I've heard her voice again it sounds kinda familiar.
"Pull the bright red book off the second shelf," says the girl again.
I go to the shelf and do what she says. Nothing happens. "What was that fo-" I start to say.
The bookshelf opens up leading to a stairway.
"Come on, lets go" says the invisible girl and I hear steps going down the stairs. I gulp and start going down too.
I was excepting the stairs to lead to some cool top secret room filled with gadgets and such, not to a dusty old room filled with books.
"Um hey girl," I say wondering where she went.
"Right here," she says. Except this time there's a person attached to the voice. A person I know.
It's the Ivy girl from the party. I suddenly feels a surge of fear and start backing up. If a silver invited me here that means she's probably going to kill me. She must see my fear because she says, "Umm Shade, a little help here,"
Shade? My brother comes into the light and pulls me in am embrace.
"Umm what's going on?" I say.
And then Shades starts to explain everything to me. "Well ever since everyone at the Scarlet Guard found out Farley has been working for Elara that whole time, everyone kinda freaked and the Scarlet Guard was over. Well until now. You're looking at the new leader of the Scarlet Guard and Mare I want you to lead with me,"
"Me?" I say "I don't think I could do that Shade, I'm sorry.."
"Oh come!" he said "Mare I know you don't think you can be a leader but you can. I mean your in the palace where everything happens. With you we can finally get justice for reds. Don't you remember all the suffering you watched as a kid. You can change that Mare. You can change the fates of so many reds that deserve so much more," he says.
There was a short pause until I said, "Ok, I'll do it," I hope I won't  regret it.
   "Thank you, I'll contact you through the maids in the castle," he says
   "Wait why did you bring a silver here," I say nudging my head towards Ivy.
   "Mare Barrow you aren't the only red who can get ahold of silver paste and dresses," the girl says with a smirk.
"Wait you're a red? But you have invisibility powers," I say very confused.
"Mare," Shades says taking his hands in mines. "There are more people like us. Lots more. Reds with silver powers. We're going to get some to join up with us. Think of what we can do with them on our side,"
"We'll be unstoppable," I say in a quiet but confident voice. For the first time in a while I have hope.
I bid them goodbye after a few more minutes and go back up the stairs. The bookshelf closes behind me and I go back to the library doors, rubbing my eyes. I'm completely exhausted now and can barley keep my eyes from closing. I stumble out the library doors and I'm surprised to see Cal sitting on a bench in the hallways with all the paintings.
When he sees me he gets up and walks toward me. "I'm sorry if your mad that I waited but I didn't think you could get back on your own," he said.
"You waited out here for an hour doing nothing, for me?" I say.
He nods with a smile and starts leading me to my room but only after a few steps that I realize I don't think I have the energy to go back.
"Here, let me help," Cal says and lifts me into his arms. I don't protest and lean my head on his shoulder and my hand on his heart, falling asleep to the rhythm of it beating in time with mine.

Hey guys! I hoped you like that chapter! Sorry that I've been really bad at updating but I've been kinda stuck on where to go on this story, so hopefully you guys like the direction I'm taking it. Also thanks for 2k reads!!! ❤️

p.s - If you're looking for some books to read that are like Red Queen I would really recommend reading Ruined by Amy Tintera and The Young Elites by Marie Lu. I read both of them on my trip to New York when I was in the car and I absolutely loved them and I think if you like Red Queen you'll like them too!

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