Author's Note: This Harry Potter fanfic begins at the Marauder's first year at Hogwarts. Vote, comment, roast!
Wearily, I placed my quill down on the empty seat next to me and looked out the window of the Hogwarts Express Train. Across from me sat an eagle owl with eyes of fog and feathers of night. It hooted gently and I caressed the feathered face with my hand. "We are almost there, Avenger." Like the soft light of a glow fish, energy pulsed sluggishly though my body. "And soon we will both be safe." I massaged my aching temples and let out a sigh. A strong smell of the woods and animal fur invaded my jasmine scented air bubble. "Hello Hagrid" I said recognizing the extremely large man that walked past me by his smell.
"I'm right sorry miss, do I know yeh?" He asked kindly, and I gulped, forgetting that I did not look my age. That was the beauty of disguise. "That's a mighty nice owl you have there, miss."
"Thank you. Avenger, where are your manners."
"Whooo." Avenger greeted Hagrid and the man laughed.
"I am the new Disciplinarian for Hogwarts." I quickly caught myself; acting like a new person was going to be more challenging than I expected. "Miss Maera Zeria." I shook his hand.
"Oh, so yeh've done yehr research! Do yeh've all the other professors memorized yet?" He joked and sat down across from me to straighten his neck from craning sideways because the train was not tall enough for him. My head bobbed in affirmation; Hagrid squinted his eyes like a person attempting to see without their glasses. Shock zapped through me and I looked out the window again. "Wait a time turnin' second, maybe I do know yeh."
"Who?" Avenger's fog eyes spoke to me in warning.
"That's impossible." The words left my mouth faster than I anticipated and I stammered. "Apologies, I simply meant how could that be, this is my first time at Hogwarts."
Merlin's beard, Maven you should have picked an age that they would not be able to recognize you by. I looked at myself in the reflection of the window and realized my features had barely changed from when I graduated Hogwarts twenty-eight years ago.
Breathing lightly and concentrating my power, my dark eyes turned blue, my skin paled, and my cheek bones rose higher causing my cheeks to sink in slightly.
That should do it. An inward smile to myself gave me confidence to turn back to Hagrid with an unassuming glance. The dark brow furled like a shaggy rug and he shook his frizzy hair.
"I mus' be mis'aken. Yehr right."
I smiled hearing the assent of my query answered in the meek man's gruff voice.
"I am sure yeh'll love Hogwarts." The wide grin he wore reminded me of garish theater masks.
I gave a weak smile and turned to the window again. He's still the Gryffindor whose wand broke and got himself expelled. I mused and watched the wilderness race by the twilight sky. If it wasn't for Dumbledore, Hagrid would've ended up a homeless wreck.
Liquidly, my eyelids closed and I hoped no one old enough would remember me. This was a new life and adventure for me.
Dark Wizard Collector: A Hogwarts Fanfiction
RandomMaven Riddle is a collector of sorts, but her hobbies tend to get in the way of her little brother's plans. My fan fiction is based off the wizarding world of J.K. Rowling. Some of the characters and their related plot lines belong to me as they int...