Chapter 42

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Arriving at the Hog's Head Tavern, I shapeshifted from a crow and shuffled into the tavern. Aberforth Dumbledore watched me carefully as I approached him. "Excuse me, Mr. Dumbledore, may I use the fireplace to get to the Leaky Cauldron?"

"Only if you use your own Floo Powder. I've'n't any to spare."

Gratefully, I smiled and proceeded to the large fireplace where I ousted the warm fire. Standing in the empty hearth I quietly announced the Leaky Cauldron and threw down a handful of powder. Upon arriving at the Leaky Cauldron, I yelped and swatted away flames that attempted to burn me. The Leaky Cauldron went silent, seeing me scramble from the lit hearth. A few chuckles sounded, and I heard witches and wizards mutter about the foolish child who did not know how to use the Floo. I blushed profusely and walked through the crowd.

The barman nodded at me and I continued through the Leaky Cauldron to the back door. A plain brick wall greeted me. Its red face remained silent till a few taps from my wand coaxed it to open. The archway into the famous Diagon Alley of London appeared. It was only a Monday afternoon, but witches and wizards bustled about with their errands at the various shops. However, I was not going to join the crowd of smiles. Immediately, I turned right and hurried down a dank stone walk. In a few minutes, Knockturn Alley grimaced at me; I grimaced back. A worn brass knob of Borgin and Burke's opened with an ominous creak and clank of an old bell.

The hunching wizard who owned the well-known establishment of dark magic looked up at me. "Lady Zeria?"

"Yes, I am she. I believe you sent me a letter about a week ago to meet your Lord here, he has been expecting me."

"Oh no my Lady, he is far too busy. Do you have that which he asked for?"

"Yes." I dropped the syllable coldly.

"I shall deliver the parcel to the Dark Lord."

I pursed my lip in annoyance, "I'm afraid that is not possible Mr. Burke. You see, I do not trust you with this parcel."

"Do you want this back then?" The stumpy man waved his wand to a sheet covered cage. A whip of wind revealed Avenger.

The world stopped moving for a second as I looked at the still owl with its eyes shut. If Avenger was dead, I was going to kill the bumbling fool in front of me. "Take it." I hissed and dropped the parcel containing a copy of the Anonymous Philosopher's Guide to Soul Arts on the glass cabinet separating me and the shop owner. "Though, I will warn you, if you or anyone other than Voldemort opens that parcel, it will disintegrate."

"How dare you use the Dark Lord's name?!"

"Oh stop your quivering you fool! It's just a name." I growled and broke open the cage. My brother was indeed receiving quite a following of dark witches and wizards. Though, from what I gathered, Tom was enslaving his Death Eaters with fear. Carefully, I put my arms around the large Eagle Owl. "Oh my sweet child," I crooned over the cold creature; tears crowded my eyes as my fingers slipped through glossy black feathers. The glowing white eyes fluttered awake and the owl let out a gentle hoot. A gasp pressed from me and my heart leapt for joy; he was alive. "I am so sorry, Avenger."

Within an instant, I was under the tall hearth of the Hog's Head Tavern. The bar was empty as I peeked around from out of the fireplace. Avenger coughed a bit of Floo Powder onto the cloak I wrapped him in. Gently, I lifted the emaciated owl into my arms and walked to the door of the Hog's Head Tavern.

"Maera?" A voice called out to me from behind the bar.

"Aberforth?" I was surprised to see him. "What's the problem?"

"You're in my bar Missy, I ask the questions and you answer them." The broad wizard grumbled and his eyebrow rose seeing me cradle Avenger. "What's that?"

"It is my owl. He was injured and I had to go fetch him; anything else?"

"Are you lying to me?" Aberforth put the glass he was cleaning down on the bar and looked at me with his piercing, blue eyes.

"Oh come, come now. I've been a regular at your bar since the summer. Do you honestly believe tha—

"MAERA ZERIA!" The large man grabbed my shoulders and pulled me close to him. Avenger hooted indignantly from being squashed between me and the man.

"Let go of me... sir." My words were slow and calculated as I carefully moved my lower hand from supporting Avenger too aim my wand at the wizard.

"No. I have full right to know why you used the Floo network from Borgin and Burke's; I can smell it on you!" The bar owner had never given me trouble before, but I knew he always had his eye on me. After a few seconds of receiving a narrow glance from Aberforth, I knew I had to do what was necessary.

"CRUCIO!" I screeched and the man fell to the floor in pain. "Obliviate!" The spell combo was something I had perfected over the years.

Hastily, I ran from the empty bar and made a dash toward Hogwarts. The winter sun had already set as snow began pelting me from the side. Progress was slow, but eventually we returned to the castle and I hurried to my office with Avenger. Immediately, I set to doctoring my owl. The next few hours passed without interruption and I was able to get Avenger to lie down under the blankets of my bed. Suddenly, a little knock came at my door; it was Jan, the house-elf. "Jan! I am delighted to see you again my friend!" The genuine smile that brightened my face relieved the tiny servant.

"Miss Zeria, you weren't at dinner tonight again. Professor McGonagall asked me to bring this to you and ask if you were well."

"Please, call me Maera. I am better, thank you." I grasped the tray of rich food and then paused in thought. "I say, Jan. Do you think that you could grab me a few pounds of raw beef? My owl is feeling under the weather."

"Of course, Miss... Maera." The thin creature smiled and disappeared with a pop. A few minutes later she returned with a cloth wrapped parcel containing cubed meat. "I chopped it smaller so your owl can eat it easier."

"Thank you so much, Jan. That was really sweet of you." I had never known that house-elves were such kind creatures. In all honesty, they had always disgusted me because of their ugly appearance. "Please, if you ever need anything let me know."

"Oh no! No, no, no Miss Zeria. I like working; do not trouble yourself." With a pop the little elf disappeared, before I could thank her again.

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