Chapter 21

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When I returned to Hogsmeade, Avenger appeared at my side and I nearly cursed him. "Avenger, why did you stop me?" I growled and walked along the road toward Hogwarts.

The giant owl squawked with annoyance.

"I don't care if he died; I am better off without him. I need to rid myself of him once and for all."

An obnoxious hoot came from the eagle owl and I rolled my eyes.

"If he's dead then I won't think of him ever again."

Again, Avenger snapped his beak open and closed.

"Yes, I did warn you, but not for what just happened."

The owl squawked defiantly.

"Fine, I have another task for you. I need you to locate the books; you know which ones I speak of. Supposedly, Dumbledore has them, and I'm guessing they are in his study, but I will check the Restricted Section of the library anyways."

The path ahead of us became very dark, so I transfigured into a bat and hurried my way back to the castle. I arrived at my chamber window just as dinner finished, but that did not bother me, for I was not hungry. Appetite was no longer a concern of mine; I needed to do more important things than fill my stomach. From my chamber, I stormed to the library's Restricted Section. "Accio Anonymous Philosopher's Guide to Soul Arts, Volumes One, Two, and Three." I whispered, tapping the open space ahead of me with my short wand.

A cold breeze spun through the massive bookshelves and chains rattled like in the prison of Azkaban and I waited for the trilogy to fly toward me, but nothing happened. No chains broke from the back of the books spines and I resolved that the books I was searching for were not in the library. Dumbledore, must have them then, I thought and pocketed my wand.

"Miss Zeria?" A small voice sounded behind me and I twitched.

"Yes?" I spun and saw two first years looking at me with curious countenances. "Why, hello Lily and Severus," I smiled and closed the door to the Restricted Section. "What are you two up to?"

"Studying," Severus smiled and held up a handful of books.

"If you pardon me, I was going to ask you that." Lily admitted and then added, "You've missed all meals since dinner last night. Are you alright?"

The tiny witch's consideration was strange indeed; no one was this kind without reason. "I am very well, thank you. Please, excuse me; I must attend to my work." I nodded at the two children and sped back to my office.

With a quick whistle, the black eagle owl was at my window and I shrugged my shoulders, "I've had no luck. What about you?"

Avenger let out a hoot of accomplishment.

"They are in his study; I knew it." I unhooked my personal journal from the ring on my belt and slammed it to the table in triumph. "We will get these books, Avenger." I smiled and planned how to invade the headmaster's study without detection; thus, I spent my second sleepless night.

The next day, I took the liberty to survey one of McGonagall's Advanced Transfiguration classes. Among the Ravenclaw students, I observed the professor's mannerisms carefully and noticed that she was a very well educated woman. It made me wonder if she knew things I did not when it came to transforming into other creatures. She would be a witch I would want to discretely talk to. Then, I remembered the promise I made to attempt friendship and for a moment, I entertained the thought of befriending the Gryffindor.

Don't let her house affiliation stop you from being kind to her. You consider yourself friends with students like Lily and Remus.

Yes, but they are children. I rationalized, because children, although annoying at times, had a certain respect for authority and I knew at such a young age, they would not dare cross me.

Chiming bells snubbed my internal argument and the students began shuffling off to their next classes. "Miss Zeria," McGonagall called, before I exited through the door as well.

"Yes?" I turned and put on a pleasant countenance.

"Are you well? You look rather ill."

"I am well, thank you for your concern." I replied and clutched my journal a bit tighter than was necessary.

"Hmm," she mumbled with a stern visage and situated her square rimmed spectacles. "Well, you may want to stop by Madam Pomfrey's in the Hospital Wing, if you are feeling off."

Gratefully, I nodded and tried to leave again, but the witch had another thing to say.

"Oh, Dumbledore asked the staff at breakfast this morning to relay to you that he would like to see you in his office."

"Thanks, I shall see him immediately." I said shortly and walked from the room.

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