Chapter 26

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I stayed looking out the window as we drove into the city. The unsettling feeling was still with me, and I wanted it to go away. It seems as if there are no threats around us, but you can never be so sure.

I took a look at the speedometer, Daryl traveling at a hundred miles an hour. We were fast approaching the heart of the city, being only a ten minute drive at the speed we were going. The closer we got to the city, the more tense I began to grow.

Daryl's hand was in my lap, and I looked through the mirror of the passenger visor to see Glenn, Maggie and Carol in the back seat, laughing quietly among themselves. I smiled a little to myself, and squeezed Daryl's hand. He squeezed a reassuring squeeze back and the ghost of a smile played on his lips.

Daryl soon came to a full stop just outside of a plaza with a bunch of stores that we can go shopping in. Everyone took a look at me when we got out of the car. The feeling still in my gut telling me that we should be sticking close to one another.

"Normally I would say we should slit up, however; something doesn't feel too right so we are going to go in all together." I stated quietly just in case there was some unwanted crowds around. "Everyone stay close, and quite."

We walked up to the store window, weapons at the ready, and as stealthy as possible. Daryl banged against the glass, hopefully loud enough so all the walkers inside were able to hear. My tummy felt like it was doing flips, and I didn't know whether it was my nerves or whether baby Dixon thinks it's nice to make me want to puke again, but all I knew was that maybe we shouldn't be here.

"Are you okay?" Maggie questioned, I'm assuming she's noticed my discomfort.

"No, something doesn't feel right." I looked around, my gun in my hand and my knife in the other. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and the sound of gunshots came from the distance.

The distance towards home.

"Everyone, get in the car!" I yelled as it sounded like bombs were going off. My heart is in my throat, the thought of my family back at that house, with gunshots going off is never leaving my mind.

Daryl sped off down the road, the sound of the gunshots growing louder. Dad is there, Carl, Judith, Chase, and everyone else, sure I know they will be okay, but I couldn't stop worrying. What had happened?

We finally got off the main road and onto the dirt path, and the house came insight from afar. The gate was pulled open, the walkers around us are flooding in. Daryl parked the vehicle in an area that was less surrounded and quickly everyone fled it.

My gun was taken off the safety and the bullets were flying out and implanted into the skulls of the walkers around me. I spotted Dad just a little bit away, shorting the walkers that surrounded him, Michonne, Carl, Judith and Chase. Making my way through the chaos, I yelled for them; but with all the commotion around us, I was left unheard.

Daryl was by my side, ensuring that I was not to be alone, helping me get to Dad and the others. His arrows were flying left, right and centre, collecting them as we go not to run short. We were close to them now, the crowd thickening between the two small groups of ours, I can hear Judith crying and Chase's screams of terror as Carl and Michonne tried to soothe them.

"Dad!" I yelled to them, in hopes of them hearing me this time, shooting more bullets to the walkers surrounding Daryl and I.


I turned to the scream of Daryl to see a walker on his shoulder and he pushed around away, and without a second thought, I shot his way, hoping that I hit the walker and not Daryl. Yet, judging by the small cry I heard, I know I just missed him, but slightly startled him.

It was weird seeing Daryl so vulnerable right now, but judging by the conditions he and I were in, I don't blame him.

Soon enough, Daryl and I were with Dad and the others and the group was slowly joining. Our ammo was low, and the walkers continuously filled the yard. We all knew that it was time to go, and as quickly as we could filled into the cars that were left freed. Some of us on the bed of the truck and the kids in the arms of others.

Leaving the gates that still had walkers flooding in, made me look back. Sure, it was an unhappy childhood, but that is the house I grew up in.

We have been driving north for about half hour now, and finally decided to stop and pull over to discuss what had happened and come up with a plan.

"I'm not sure what happened exactly, it just seemed as someone left the gate opened." Dad explained to us.

"That's weird because I shut the gate, and I made sure." I pointed out remembering that I slid the gate shut and went to the passenger side of the Tuscan.

"I'm not saying you left it open Carly, just that it seemed as if it was opened." Dad said.

"Well, it seems that we have no shelter right now, and sunset is fast approaching." Hershel said from beside Dad.

"We have to find shelter for the night. Judith and Chase are probably shook from all this and everyone is probably exhausted." Maggie said.

"If we keep heading north, we will reach a small suburban town, maybe we can find some shelter for the night, make a plan and continue in the morning." I said as I rubbed my eyes and my stomach, exhaustion quickly sweeping over me.

"Let's do that."

We piled in the cars in a better fashion; Daryl, Chase and I in the truck, with Merle on the bed, in the Tuscan, there was Glenn, Maggie, Hershel, Beth and Carol and in the other car was Dad, Michonne, Carl and Judith. We continued our ride north to the suburbs of Georgia.

"Are you okay?" Chase asked me.

I looked down that the boy who's smiling face is now crossed with concern. "Yes." I smiled to him.

"But you are looking a little white." He said as he pointed to my paling face.

There was now some bile in my throat and I was trying me best to swallow it down. "Mhm," I said, but Daryl caught on to my trick.

He quickly pull over and hit the brakes just in time for me to fly the door open, falling out and puke in the ditch. Chase stayed in the car, commanded by Daryl as he came around and Merle got out of the bed. Daryl held my hair up and Merle tried to explain what is happening to dad.

There wasn't much in my stomach, but the lack of food is now making me dry heave. I was in tears because the acid from my stomach is burning my throats and my hand is placed over my stomach, where the tiny baby bump is. When I was done, I took the napkin from Daryl and wiped my mouth before taking a stand.

"Carly, are you okay?" Dad asked, concern is traced on his face in every feature.

I nodded my head, but gave a knowing look to Glenn and Maggie, "but there is something I have to tell you all."

I looked to Daryl, who grabbed my hand and took a look around the group. I know Dad is going to feel like an ass after I explain because I was sent on that run, and I know others are going to feel bad because we are out of shelter and limited on food, which is why I didn't want to say anything yet... but it has to be done.

Everyone's eyes were now on me, Chase in the car looking at me with curiosity and everyone else with concern.

"Well, Daryl and I are having a baby."

And here is another extremely late chapter. I am so sorry for the wait, but on the good side I am done school and I'm off for summer break. Since I will have a lack of things to be worrying about, it means that I can finally begin worrying more about Side-By-Side and finishing it so I can move on with other books.

Your comments and votes are making me smile and I'm happy to have amazing readers like you. Keep up the amazing work because it's all you guys they are making me do this. Without you guys I would have no motivation to write.

Love you all.


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