I'll go without you

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Why can't I get Yuuki out of my mind . What has he done to me all I can see is his smile. With his little cute red hair , and AHHHHH!!!

What am I doing , his interfering with me and my training that fool . I need sleep I'm tire—

I wake up and find my self in my bed . Wow what happened, I began to look around trying to remember what.... oh yeah I came home after I left Yuuki's place . Shit I can't go back like how I left things like that . I guess I'll go to Eden training ground and train there .

As I arrived there I saw Eden and YUUKI ? Great way to start my day off . I get out the car and both Eden and Yuuki spot me .

3rd POV

"Hello (Y/N) I knew you would have been here I have another job for you with Yuuki " handing (Y/N) the file . "It's a party gig , there you will find a woman named Rin Tachibana she might have information on asuma and in exchange she wants you two to kill her husband who has been running a mafia."

"So when do we start ?" (Y/N) looking at Eden straight in the eye in a serious voice .

"You start tomorrow since today Yuuki is doing a job by guarding me all day , well that's all you can go train." Eden leaving getting inside the limo.

Yuuki walking behind Eden , getting in the limo with him not saying a single word but gives (Y/N) quick glares.

"See you tomorrow number seven " and gone both .


His probably mad at me , I'm not surprised , but why leave tomorrow if I can do it today . I know Eden said let's leave tomorrow but I think I can do this . Then it's decided I will go on the mission without him by the time I'm done his job will be done .

I start to head home and pack my things and head on the road . Alright so what I know is tomorrow night the party will begin and I will meet Rin there and get ready to kill her husband . Now killing him will be hard since I can't make a big scene and burn him in front of the whole party . I'll figure it out more later but I'll find a close hotel to stay in . I'm sorry Yuuki but I need that information as soon as possible, and I can't involve you in my revenge.

~mean while

Yuuki POV

I just saw her damn , I should have said something. She looked so serious with her (e/c) staring so cold at Eden .

"You know Yuuki this mission means a lot to her because it's information on her parents killer , and knowing her she will probably be serious about this " Eden beginning to light up his cigarette .

I didn't know that this Asuma guy has to do with (Y/N)'s parents . I wouldn't blame her if she couldn't trust no one but I will gain her trust . I need to make her see that she has me to protect her and I can help her achieve her goal .

"Knowing her she will probably do something stupid , ... such a idiotic girl and I did give you the folder right ?" Eden looking towards me . "No you gave it to he—" and I look at him .

"Damn I gave it to her , without knowing , you were supposed to be leading it ... well this might be fun I guess she'll be going without you " he begins to grin and begins to take another hit on the cigarette.

Meaning she will probably go by herself on the mission damn , why did she go by her self "you know when she wants something she will do anything and as soon as possible to get what she wants , at least that's what she did when she was younger " and begins to smile at me .

"Sorry sir , but I have to go help her now would you please excuse m—"

"I don't think so you have a job to do and that's protect me until tomorrow , don't worry you can catch up later with her she's a big girl but you have a duty now stay calm Yuuki " saying Eden .

Damn I know I have job to do what he says but (Y/N) .......thinking of her (E/c)eyes (Y/N) ..... her beautiful (H/L) (H/C) . No I can't let her do it , but I have faith she can do it on her own but I want to do the mission with her . Don't worry (Y/N) I'll be there soon have faith in me .

~back to (Y/N)


Well I just got my room and I guess I should get a good , steady plan for tomorrow. Plus I guess I'll wear this dress for tomorrow I can't stick out like a sore thumb . As I pick it up and put it in front of me looking at the mirror. "Yeap this is it , I kinda wish Yuuki can see me in this ..... AHHH!" I scream did I really say that "OH MY GOD" I began panicking and get red all over my face .

"Well I think I should take a nap that drive wasn't short well time to get a little shut eye " .

It was short but yeah let's hopefully get another chapter in tomorrow , if I don't do nothing in class .

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