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I began to see the bright sun simmering through the window hitting my face . I begin to rub my eyes and as I look to my left I see a certain red head .

Yuuki ... still thinking of last night how crazy it was . So I really like Yuuki huh ? And his willing to help me with my revenge against Asuma .

Is this what he really wants , still once my goal is complete is there really any reason to live any more. Do I have a purpose to live , I have nothing left in life , I should just end my life after Asuma ...

Then I hear Yuuki beginning to yawn and looks up to me .

"Good morning is there breakfast?" And gives me a cute cat like eyes .

"We can go out and eat then , hit the road if you want " as I get up and get dressed.

Last night was crazy I got to meet code two , and from what I know I only know three so far . Wonder how the other three are. Still today code six should be taking over means tomorrow I'll be guarding Eden , man such a drag .


Car ride back home 🏡

"Hey Yuuki since I've meet code two last night , how are the rest of the code breakers " trying to make a conversation. It's been so awkward since last night .

"Well as you know there's six of us and I'm number three , Number 4 you have meet , number two just yesterday ".

"Wait it doesn't make sense I'm number seven , why is there only 6 then ?" Looking a bit confused.

"About a year ago number one went rogue leaving just five left still .... what he did was wrong how can that jerk leave us" as he hits counter of my car .

"Hey don't wreck my car , and he must have had a reason ?"

"No you don't understand, he left us without a word , that jerk " as dark aura surrounding him .

"Yuuki " I grab his hand and I began to squeeze his hand .

"Let's forget about it , oh look where here" and I let go of his hand and park the car.

Yuuki still in shock, staring down at his hand .

"Well ... were back" (y/n) slightly whispering to her self .

Yuuki grabs her hand , "(Y/N) there's something I need to show you after this " looking dead straight into her eyes .

She begins to blush like a tomato. "Let's just go in already " as she tries to take her hand back and bust right through the door .

"Yo Eden , I'm back " (Y/N) waving her hand towards him and Yuuki falling behind . Seeing another guy next to him.

"(Y/N) ...." tapping his feet on the ground slapping her across the face . "You left your partner behind and went ahead what the hell was that "

(Y/N) not doing anything just looks straight into his eyes "mission was complete and who is this " (Y/N) staring at him from head to toe.

Code breaker 7 (yuuki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now