The truth

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3rd POV

As both (Y/N) and Yuuki get there she goes straight to the restroom .

"Ima go change out of this dress " she says and leaves him inn the room alone .

(Yuuki POV)

I really need to know more about her and she hasn't fully told me everything. I wouldn't blame her I have a few secrets my self like ..... makoto. Still did she really kiss that guy ?

"I'm sleepy I think I'm heading to sleep " and goes under the covers .

"Number seven tell me everything?" As I try to take the blanket off of her .

Then I hear her sobbing under the blanket. It felt like my heart was hit with a dagger .

"Seven " and she finally released the blanket and I picked up the blanket and saw her face full of tears and sorrow.

"Yuuki I'm no better then him !" And she began to cry on my shoulder.

"I killed that poor boy father and right in front of his eyes like me when Asuma killed my parents , I'm a horrible person " and I felt her tears were wearing off on me .

I hugged her back and looked her in the eyes "your not a monster, in this world we must do what is necessary, and I believe he was doing wrong " .

Her eyes getting all red and I could see her cheeks pink . And she began to whip her tears away .

"Yuuki it's time that I told you about the real story about Asuma " and she went on , and explained what happened that night 3 years ago , and how she is still looking for revenge to this day .

"Eden told me he would be coming soon for him and that's why we're protecting him 24/7 , and I should be sticking around him " she tells me . So that's why we have been protecting him for the past week .

"Also for this mission I wanted the information so badly I didn't care if I left you behind , and I'm sorry " she looks down .

I pity both my hands on her shoulder "(Y/N) I want to protect you and if revenge is what you seek for ... then I will help you but you have to trust me " her eyes still pink begins to cry again .

"Thank you Yuuki "and she hugs me once more and releases me and laughs .

"Also Yuuki there's something I need to tell you " and grabs my shirt .

"Why don't you call me (Y/N) , it's kinda weird you always say "seven" " and looks me straight in the eye .

"I refer my friends with numbers " and I take her hands off of me .

"But for you I accept people who I trust with names , and I'm sorry I haven't called you by your real name ... (Y/N) " .

She smiles at me and says "can you say it one more time I would really love that ".

"(Y/N)" that was the moment I realized that I love you (Y/N) .

3rd POV

"Thanks you Yuuki well I think we need rest " and she goes ahead and turns off the lights .

"(Y/N) ... " Yuuki says as the both lay down on the bed under the blanket.

"Yeah Yuuki what's up " as she faces her head towards him .

"Did you really kiss that man " and she gets up and puts her hand on her face.

"Don't remind me I feel embarrassed and he kissed me that pervert " and she gets red in the face.

Yuuki grabs her and puts her into his arms "don't ever do that with another man you hear me only with ..." and lays back down .

"Yuuki are you okay " and she tries to look at him but seems to be falling asleep .


I watch as he fell asleep , he sure is a fast sleeper, and I begin to giggle . Yuuki



I think I might be in love with you . As my heart begins to skip a beat .

Still ...

Sometimes I wish I could just run away with you and forget about Asuma , but then I think about it and revenge is still what I seek for and I won't let you ruin my plan Yuuki , even if I have to kill you .

This weather is hot and musty and I actually wrote this on a Saturday????? I only plan to write Monday through Friday but I really want to write lol !

So I have big news coming soon !!!

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