Just me and Ogami !?

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Well today is the day I leave with Eden and Ogami to the meeting . After yesterday I just went home and kinda blacked out. Well I guess that's the last time I will ever see Yuuki again . As I'm staring at my self at the mirror I felt a small tear coming out .

I whipped it off , I have to forget about him , he was just going to get in my way . I look at my necklace on my neck and I stare at it thinking of that memory .

Flashback 3 years ago ~

3rd POV

"Why every time I get mad my fire unleashes like crazy " (Y/N) crying looking up at Eden .

"Of course it's hard to control at first but here if you wear this it can help you contain you power for a little, I can sense it getting stronger " and raps it around her neck .

"Don't ever take it off until your ready to unleash it fully , for every time you use it Code:End comes faster for you and I can't let you die just yet" and smiles down at me.

Flashback End ~

Well now it's time to use it , I don't care if it kills me as long as I take him down with me .

As I head to Eden office everyone was there well only Eden , Ogami , and his weak bodyguards .

"What took you long , we can't wait for you all day " Ogami giving me a fake smile at me that jerk .

"Oh hush Ogami you just got here like 5 minutes ago well it's time to leave to the airport" Eden clapping his hands .

As we arrived at the airport the car ride here was just crazy quite , no one talked until now .

As we got on Eden's private plane I tried to get as far away as Ogami . As I sat in the front looking out the window I see just how blue the sky is . I wish I can fly and just set off to paradise with yuu—
Wonder how his doing make sure your eatting healthy I don't want you to pass out .

Then I start to hear a couple foot steps down the aisle.

"Why can't I get alone time for myself , who is it !" I scream and try to look to see who is it.

"Shut up your being a nuisance to my ears now we need to talk ." It was Ogami and he sat down right in front of me .

"I've never meet another fire user like me are you even strong " as he grabs my checks and squeezes them .

"Stop doing that , and yes I'm a fire user but mine is the red dragon flames , and OF COURSE IM STRONG WHY WANT TO GO AT IT!" As I scream into his face.

"SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU , MAYBE INSTEAD OF FIGHTING THINK OF A SCHEDULE ON YOUR BODYGUARD DUTY!" Eden screaming all they way to the back to the front of the plane.

I get away from his face and cross my hands together. "His right , but if he happens to come please let me take care of it " .

Ogami POV

Did she just say please and the way she said it in such a serious tone . This guy after Eden must be important to her . Asuma if I remember just who is he to her ? "Why do you care so much about this , just who is he to you ?" I ask her .

"His ... his " and she puts her fist into a ball " just trash that's needs to be judged for all the evil he has caused " this guy must have done something to her in the past . 

She then begins to laugh and and begins to scratch the back of her head "let's just forget about it , but I think we should come up with a plan later I think I'm going to sleep ." And she grabs a blanket from her bag and closes her eyes .

She actually looks normal and peaceful when she's sleeping , maybe I'll just sit across from her and just watch her sleep until I fall asleep .

3rd POV

After a while both fall asleep, across from each other . Ogami drooling, while (Y/N) moving , grunting in her sleep .

"Ha you really thought you could kill me , think again" Asuma said standing up looking down at me half dead. "Little girl , little girl , little girl " it's keeps on echoing and echoing.




(Y/N) opens her eyes and feels her face how sweat running down her face . She begins to cry , and putting her hands to her mouth trying not to make noise .

Ogami opening one eye and then two and stares at her with tears in her eyes , she looks at him and runs to the restroom.

"What's wrong (Y/N) " he gets up and watches her run to the restroom.

"Leave me alone !" And shuts the door closed .

"Did y'all fight again ?" Eden in a foul mode like always .

"She just ran to the restroom crying I don't know what's her problem " crossing his arms.

"Ah I see so she had that nightmare again , it's fine she'll get over it soon " and goes back to his seat.

"What do you mean by that" Ogami questioning him .

"It means you don't have to worry , drop it , well I'm going back to sleep" (Y/N) coming out from the restroom trying to forget what just happened.

"(Y/N) ?" Ogami looking shocked.

(Y/N) grabbing her blanket once again and closes her eyes .

Ogami POV

How can she forget what just happened is she stupid . One second she's crying , next she's once again stubborn ass hell . "Don't ever do that again " I slightly whisper.

"Shut up " she mumbles as she falls asleep.

You are one weird girl .... (Y/N) .

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