Chapter Eleven

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May 12, 1903

It has been long since I wrote in this journal. Today was a very tiresome day. I had to hide Bartley from the royal guards otherwise mother would eat us for supper.

He had so bravely snuck into the palace to see me yesterday on my birthday. Nobody else apart from blossom my maid and Gerald got me anything for a present.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I come bearing a gift for me lady." He whispers.

I let him in as he had been rained on so badly. He wipes his feet and hands then reveals a small wooden box. Inside is a pendant specially handcrafted for me.

He doesn't expect much but I give him a big hug. He chuckles softly in his deep voice then, we hear heavy footsteps approaching my chambers.

That is when I hide him and the box under my bed and quickly start changing into my night gown.

The door opens and a soldier pokes his head inside. "Oh Bradford! Don't you knock? I could be indecent!" I pretend.

"Forgive me your highness. I was only checking if you are alright." He says looking the opposite direction.

"Next time do knock or I will have yah tush thrown to the gutters." I say. He bows and leaves.

I get Bartley from under my bed."Apologies sir. Thankyou for the gift. I will wear it always." I say as I open the window for him to jump back out. Before he leaves, he gives me a kiss on the cheek and then jumps out the window.

"Oh you were a bad boy weren't yah?" I tease papa.

"Oh sweet pea. Your ma knew me better than anyone in the whole kingdom. She was me best pal and the lass me whole world spun around." He says smiling sadly.

"Oh papa, i'm sorry she was taken from yah." I try to comfort him.

He turns to me, takes my hand and puts a bracelet on my wrist. "She is not fully gone sweet pea. She is not gone." He says and gets up to continue with his daily work.

Poor papa. I would feel the same way if diablo was taken away from me. Speaking of which, I haven't riden him in a while.

I go to the stable and put a saddle on him. He playfully rubs his head on my face making me laugh. "Are yah ready to go out boy?" I ask while patting his back. He neighs his answer as I pull on his reigns and kick him to move forward.

He moves with grace and speed and strength. Just like the war horse we had rared him to be. But he is my horse now and he loves me like I love him.

As I ride past papa I hear him yell after me to come in before dark. I assure him that I will and ride off into the fields.

The sun is warm on my skin and the breeze is so gentle. I slow diablo down to take in the scenery as we start riding back.

There she was again. Riding so well like a fierce soldier going into battle. So mysterious yet so confident and beautiful.

The time would come when she would know the truth. When everyone knew the truth. I wish it would have been sooner but everything had to go as planned.

I decide to catch up with her on my horse. "Excuse me lass. You look awfully familiar." I say.

She bows even though she is on her horse and says, "Certainly not your highness. Royals don't encounter villagers very often. Infact, not at all."

"Oh yes! You are the bold lass who refused to sell me that fine horse." I say lightly teasing her.

Looking a bit frightened she nods. I assure her she is in no trouble then she sighs in relief.

"What is your name lass?" I ask her.

"Elsa your highness." She answers.

"Well Elsa. The bold lass who denied me, prince Gerald that fine horse, you are a very good rider." I say. She looks at me confused then thanks me before riding off.

Sorry for the late update my loves. Hope you are enjoying the story so far. Let me know what I should change or correct. See you in the next chapter!

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