The Strange Greeting

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With only the light of my suit, I walked slowly down the corridor. The space was very big for my size. I figured it would be very small but it wasn't. Very hollow on the inside. Each time I stepped, it rubbed against the lumpy floor. The only thing I could hear was the heaving breathes from my mouth The heavy beating of my heart and slow grunting from the large tumor. Slowly, I felt more comfortable. I didn't know how but the space inside the tumor made me feel confident. I can do this. No, I am Canada Isle. The littlest in your immediate family and the most noticeable person in the world. You do not save the world. You sit in the bleachers at your brother's baseball games. A face in the crowd. Nothing more. But the world needs saving and I can't back away from that.

I kept looking around the huge corridor. Many tunnels lead to others but I was completely lost. Nowhere to turn. Nowhere to hide. As I kept wandering though tunnels, trying to find a way. It didn't feel like I was lost in Cerebral Feroz. I was lost in my own mind. Was I the same person I was before this journey? Can I really do this? Was I created to do this? I shook the thought out of my head. I am still trying to find the centre of this thing. Eventually I found a tunnel that lead to a weird looking door. I thought that could be where I had to kill this tumor. I didn't see any guards around it but I had to keep my nerves intact. I ran to the door, afraid of being caught. Instantly out of nowhere, two other large tumor guards speed at me with pitchforks. I jerked back a bit and instantly pulled in the sting next to me. Two spheres landed in my hand and I threw one to each guard. They dissolved just like the one I met outside. I approached the weird lumpy door. I didn't want to touch it, but I had no choice. It could be where Cerebral Feroz gets its' power. I rammed through the door showing me a very dark room. I looked through the room.

It was big, not like my room though. Very dark and the floor was lumpy like the rest of the ground inside. I look in front of me; I see a console. And floating above it was an orb of green surrounded by purple mist. The orb was big, big enough for one man to have difficulty with. This had to be where Cerebral Feroz drew power. Or else I am an idiot. The console was in the middle of the room. The console had buttons galore, things that I never dared to touch. Everybody knows that. Push a button, it is either good or bad. My hand raised a bit. I wanted to touch it. I didn't want to do anything wrong. I jerked back my hand in trepidation again. Maybe I could take my gun out and fire at it.

I reached for my gun on my left side. With it in my hand, I could either do damage and destroy it. Or make it worse by doing nothing. I lifted the gun,I took a breath and focused my eyes on the orb. Looking at the bright colors of green and purple made me dizzy. Sometimes when I look at bright colors for a long time, I will get dizzy and just fall down. I shook the thought off and focused even more.

Before I could even pull the trigger, the door slammed behind me. I jerked my head back and looked at the door. I saw nothing. I put the gun back at my side and walked to the door. I rammed my shoulder at the door, but it would open like before. My head turned back to the console and saw the orb still hovering above the console. I shook my head. I have to get this over with. I raised my gun again. I was so ready to get this done. I tried to pull the trigger, but I couldn't something was bothering me. I felt a force in my head, like the one with the tiny tumor that I encountered earlier. I lifted my left hand toward my head while my right held the gun. The force got louder in my head. Eventually it got so bad that I dropped my gun unintentionally. The force inside my head hurt alot. Both of my hands were pressed to my head. My eyes closed tight. I couldn't hear the beating of my heart or the heavy breathing in my pain. Until it finally stopped. I heard slow breathing inside my head. It was so weird, and the breaths weren't my own. I opened my eyes.

I bet you don't know who I am do you Canada Isle? The voice rang in my head. Its' raspy breathing hovered in my head endlessly. My eyes wandered around the room in flummox. No, how am I supposed to know who you are when I can't see you? I looked around the room, all I saw was darkness. I couldn't see anything except the light from my suit and the green and purple misty orb. You're quite the clever girl, getting into my centre and trying to kill me. His voice was so dark and scary, until I figured out who he was. Your Cerebral Feroz aren't you? You're quite right on that one, Canada. This was insane, how could he have gotten inside my head. Must be an ability he has.

I know why you are here. To save your friend is that right? My eyes widened. Avery. Yes, Avery. You're quite fond of him aren't you? I've had it up to here with this dude. He had no right to see what I am thinking. Can you not read my mind? Sorry, bad habit of mine. You have many good memories though. Ones of your brother, mother, and father. Your friends are quite pleasant too. Isn't your father the one who sent you here? I told you get out of my head! Why are you doing this anyway? He was talking to me throughout my thoughts. This was crazy enough as it is.

World domination. That is my goal. Every since I started developing in your friend's mind, I was destined to get to the second stage of cancer. Then get noticed by you humans and get killed. No, I wanted to be so much more. So, as days went by I forced myself to grow bigger. Larger by the day. I realized that I could bring other tumors to life and bring them under my control. Soon, I started developing into what you are standing on today. I looked down at my feet and felt a bit of movement on the ground. The green orb is my power source. Your heart was in the right place when you said that this was the core. But you were wrong when you tried to shoot the orb and kill me. Can't you see? You and I are the same. We are both different, both outcasts. My thoughts immediately dwelled on my days at school before Avery. Sitting alone at lunch, being pushed by Mom to make a friend. If you would only let me grow to kill this one person, then we could keep on spreading to others and killing them too. Then we could wipe out humanity with time and effort. We'll be unstoppable. Just let me grow. I could see where he was going at, but why humanity. I though of Avery again. My family. What would happen if I lost them? A picture popped into my head. Avery and my family were standing there smiling. I saw Avery's warm brown eyes staring into mine. My families eyes stared into mine. Awe, how sweet. But do you really need them? How stupid. I was done with this cancer. That was it. I bent down and grabbed the gun, growling pierced in my mouth. "I need them just as much as you need family! How dare you say that world domination is the answer! You lost sight of what was really important! Now I won't!" I held the gun up and pointed to the green orb. Time to end this now.

Immediately another wave of heavy force rang in my head. It was so powerful that I dropped to my knees and the gun feel out of my hand. Both of my hands pressed to my head and my eyes squinting tightly. I let out a yell. It really hurt. The force pressed against my head, like it was trying to pop out somehow. Get the girl! Bring her outside of me so that I can end her! Feroz's voice is strained, he tried to keep me from going anywhere. Those yells in my mind from Cerebral Feroz were piercing and loud. Again I couldn't hear anything. Before long I felt big hands grasping each arm. I had to open my eyes to look. Two big tumors like the ones in the hall drag me to the door. I still feel the force straining me from resisting their grasp. I had to get away somehow. Then for a strange reason, I thought of my journey. How far I had come to be here now. The things I have though of, the things I felt. The things I said to my only friend. I have been so afraid of showing my real self that it has been hiding in me ever since I moved from Folsom. The way I lost my friends, my personality. I never had the chance to show my true self until now. I closed my eyes in a bit of frustration, but then I opened them in a big amount of confidence. I couldn't see the dark room around me or the big tumors dragging me. All I saw was a glow of faint yellow light that shone brightly. Like I had passed out or something. Noooooooooooooo! Cerebral Feroz's yell started off big but then trailed off into nothing. I heard a big explosion in my mind and through my ears. Then, immediately I heard nothing. I felt myself floating in the air with my eyes still open. But I couldn't see anything but the bright light. Before long I closed my eyes, feeling very tired and too worn out. My head hung with no muscle moving in my body. I land on the hard ground, it was kind of like me falling off my bed. It hurt, but not as much as how much I was worn out. I heard Nurse Judy ringing in alarm in my ear but I was to drained out to answer. I felt hard ground on my face and body before I had no other memory of what happened after that. I had passed out. 

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