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Hey !! Did you hear about one direction being sued by another band called one direction for a million dollars ... This is just messed up !!

Anywho, here is Chapter 2. Enjoy. :D

Still Radio's POV

Amber and I are walking down the hallway to lunch. "So, when are you leaving?" She asked after i explained everything i know.

"I might not even be leaving amber." Even though i would love to !! for 12 years people have been calling me dumb cause im 19 and still in high school. I'm not dumb !! I started school late. i was 7 in kindergarden ... my mom is a little over protective. If i would've started school on time i would've been one of the youngest in my class.

Anyway, "Of course you're going !! How couldn't he say yes?" She smiled, but i knew that she really didn't want me to go.

"I don't know, but i know one thing i'll be missing you the most." i smiled, and pulled her into a hug.

"Oh! Radio, don't do that ! your gonna make me cry!" She said, but she was already crying. I know that i might not even make it, but you know i need to try.

So, after saying goodbye. I ran home, got into my cutest outfit and waited.

It felt like forever ... 6:00 turned into 6:05  ... then 7:00 turned to 7:05 ... It seems like they just want me to wait so i can explode before he even gets here!

Finally 8:30 came around ... he still wasn't here, but when it was 8:31 he popped in. "Sorry I'm late." he said and sat on the couch. Oh wow, it was L.T Panks. One of my favorites !!

"It's fine sir. Welcome to our home, would you like anything to drink?" I asked him.

He looked at me and smiled, "Uh sure. Water please." My sister walked down the steps in like a weird but fasinating outfit. She had a neon green tanktop on with a baggy turquoise shirt over it so it showed her shoulders. Then she had some ripped short jeans, with fish net pantiehose plus converse. "Now thats my kinda style." L.T smiled and stared while she walked down the steps. I just left to get hit water.

When i came back they were already talking about song ideas. I handed him his water, then all attention fell to me.

"So, what can you do?" He asked while taking a sip.

"Oh, me? Well ... I play instruments, i can draw, dance, anything artsy-fartsy." I'm like shaking in my jeans right now.

"Hmmmm ..." He stood up and scratched the back of his neck. "I like you." He said ... OK? He only heard me say like 2 to 3 sentences, but i won't argue. "I like the both of you. What would you say if i asked you to come to New York with me?" I was speechless, but lucky my sister practices this moment in the mirror.

"I think we both agree that we would love to go with you." She smiled.

"Why me?" i asked, just curious. My sister shot me a glare.

"I don't know, but when it clicks, it clicks. So pack your things, say bye to your friends, the plane leaves tomorrow at 9." He said while walking out.

Once the door was shut, trish and I were screaming on the toop of our lungs. My dad came walking in. "girls ... Girls ... GIRLS !!" He yelled. We stood there and looked at him. "What's going on in here ?"

"Ryan and i .... WE GOT THE JOB !!" He looked shocked then screamed WOOOO-HOOOO !

After celebrating, Trish and i started packing. I'm gonna miss Alliance, North Carolina. But i'm done living in a small town with a population of only 712 people ... thats just sad. Well now it's only 710 !! We are moving to New York !

I called all my friends over for one last party. The party wasn't a good idea. People got drunk and passed out. I found two people in my bed .. and i guess you know what they were doing.


Before i knew it i was walking on the plane. It felt like a movie. My friend put a sad song on his i pod while i walked away. i mouthed 'I love you' to them all. A tear went down my cheek, then i saw Chase running to me. Security was right behind him.

"Chase !? What are you doing here?" I chuckled while he was hugging me. He pulled back and looked into my eyes.

"Radio," radio? no one calls me that unless its serious, "Don't go, i know i've been a jerk, and im so sorry. You can't leave, I need you. I need to wake up to you every morning. Seeing you in Algebra, history, science, and in art. You forgot art." He smiled.

"Sorry, but Chase i have to go." I said and turned to wlak away. Then he pressed his lips to mine. I was in shock at first, i couldn't move. Then my arms wrapped around his neck. He held my waist and spun me around. It's like a dream come true.

"I love you" he whispered. I exhaled. Taking deep breaths

"I love you too." I smiled, but i don't know if i ment it. He gave me a box. "What's this?" I chuckled. And started to open it.

"Don't open it yet. It shows how much i like you, and how long i have." He smiled and walked away, after he kissed my cheek.

Well ... What am i gonna do after that moment? I just boarded to plane, and sat next to my sister.

When I opened the box, there was loads and loads of pictures/letters/assignments. I read every single one. They all had my name doodled on it, or he wrote a poem to me. It was so cute. The oldest one was on september 29, 2000. 3rd week of kindergarden. He liked me before i even met him. Wow ... a little breath taking. The oldest one is one from yesterday, it was a note that said "Wait for me, please. Never forget. <3" very sweet. But i don't know about him anymore.


Second chapter done !!! :D Hope you liked it. So what do you think will happen between Chase and Radio? Will she go after him, or let that crush go? Comment, Vote, Rate!! Thanks for reading. :D

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