The End

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We toured all over the United States. It felt like it lasted for like 2 weeks, but it was alot longer than that. I loved every second of it. The fans were actually really welcoming to their family. Alot of twitter follows. A few rude comments and death threats, but i just acted as if they were a joke and went along. It was nice to have the attention istead of trish ...

Well its break now, and Lou planned our whole trip. We are headed back to his home Doncaster I get to meet his family. Like, Lottie (13) Felicity (12), Daisy and Pheobe (7). Plus his parents. And his Mom Johannah. Gosh this is gonna be amazing.

*                                                      *                                                         *

When we arrived his family was at the airport. Waiting for us. Louis let go of my hand and ran to his mom. Him and his mom were really close, adn he really missed her. They went into a group hug. It was a beautiful thing to see. Brought a tear to my eye. It just reminded myself of how much I miss my dad and sister.

The whole family was crying. Aww. It's so adorable even Daisy and Pheobe. I looked weird just standing there smiling. There were camera everywhere with fans. But they didn't care.

"Oh, This is Radio." Louis pulled away and turned to me. I waved. The twins ran over to me and gave me a hug too.

"Oh .. Hey cuties."I smiled and hugged them back. Felicity and Lottie just stared at me. I waved to them. Felicity waved back.

"Come on. Lets get you two home you must be eggausted." Johanna said and Lou grabbed my hand. I held Pheobe's and He held Daisy's, and we squished our way through the crowd.

"Well ... You probably know Daisy and Pheobe." He smiled whipping his tear away.

"Yeah, you talk about them nonstop." I smiled down at Daisy.

"Yeah. I missed you guys." He said to them.

"We missed you too Lou." Dsiy said, adn he picked her up. I picked Pheobe up.

"Hi." I smiled at here.

"Hi, I'm Pheobe."

"Yeah I know, you brother tells me about you guys." I smiled at her. She smiled and laid her head on my shoulder. awww!! She is too cute. I thought to myself. I rubbed her back she must feel tired. It was like 10 here. I was a bit sleepy myself, When we got in the car, Pheobe and Daisy fell asleep on my lap, adn i fell asleep too. Louis must've tooken a picture cause i woke up to a bright flash.

"Woah ... turn the flash down." I whispered. Trying to see.

"Sorry. You just looked really cute. Come, we are home." He smiled. "Pheobe, Daisy." He gentely woke them up. "We are home."

"No ..." Daisy mumbled with her eyes still closed.

"What do you mean no !!" Louis grabbed her and carried her out to the house. I held onto pheobe and scooted out of the car. We took them to their beds. "We'll see you tomorrow sweets." Lou said good night and shut the door.

"Why do you have to be so amazing?" I chuckled while heading to the living room. Felicity and Lottie went to bed also. Johannah was in the kitchen.

"Because, since my parents seperated I have to be the man of the house, but I'm barely here. I want to watch out for my family. Ya know?" He smiled sitting on the couch.

"Yeah." I said sitting next to him.

"So are you tired?"

"Well I had my power nap. I'm good now."

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