This Can't End

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Radio's POV

I know not seeing you're sibling for a few weeks, big woop, but trish and i are close. She's funny and nice, acts a little too young for age, but still  is freaken awesome.

I arrived at her hotel tryingto forget my foreign friends, but couldn't. Louis' stupid 10 words floated through my head.

~The phone! The phone is ringing!~ The wonder pets song rang. I looked at my phone and it said it was private.

"Hello?" It went to car mode.

"Ryan? Ryan! Good, you picked up!" Hazza yelled.

"Haz, calm down. Now what's up?" I smiled cause i love talking to Hazza.

"Ry, you gotta come back. Not for Louis, but for me!"

"But haz-"

"No! Niall is going food crazy. Liam's in the corner, and as of right now .... I-I I'm NAKED!" Not naked ... ugh. "We are acting like-"

"WOOOHOOO!" Someone one yelled ion the background.

"It sounds like you're having fun without me."

"Are you crazy ... scratch that, WE went crazy. Come Back! Please, for niall's sake?" He knew i had a soft spot for Niall. Like a baby brother.

"I don't-" He really needs to stop cutting me off

"Niall! Don't put those sissiors in your mouth!" Hazza yelled then the phone went dead. Niall Baby i'm coming!!!

I sent Hazza a text. "I'm on my way!!!"

I spun me car around and drove to their "flats"

Harry's POV

"IT WORKED!!" I announced. Let me explain ...

~30 minutes before~

"Lou, are you ok?" Niall asked. We were all in the hallway still watching Radio walk away. Niall was really worried about lou.

"I don't know Nialler." Lou said still watching her walk away. Everyone was facing him. I've never seen my boobear so glum.

"Boobear. We'll get her back. Don't sweat." I put my arm around him to comfert him.

"I don't know, hazza. I called her our shadow." I could hear the guilt in his voice.

"A shadow?!" Liam snapped.

"Lou, that's messed up!" Zayn said. You know zayn is talking alot more now-a-days

"I know, I know! I didn't mean it. Not one thing i said made the slightest bit of sense!"

"Lou, calm down. I have a plan. Come on." I said, and walked back in lou and my flat.

"What is it?" Liam sat on the couch, and the rest sat with him. I stood in front to pitch my idea.

"So, Ryan hates when people act up. She doesn't like screaming or people being scared in a corner. Also, she never wants Niall to be hurt." I stated.

"Go on..." Lou said anxiously.

"Ok, so I can call her up and we can act like how we did when we first met her."

"Brialliant! She has to come back then!" Lou said sarcastically.

"Well it's better then sitting here and pouting."

"True. So, lets do this!" He yelled and i called her right away.

The call went great! Everything went as planned. When i yelled to niall, i heard her gasp. Then i hung up. I few minutes later she texted me.

"IT WORKED!!" I yelled, all the guys cheared. "Start messing up the room!" I yelled. The guys got up and ruined the room. I stripped off my clothes and covered my 'business' with a book. The guys kept trying to take it away! "Knock it off. Turn the music Boobear!" i yelled over to Lou.

It looks like a tornado came through here. My favorite song came on. I threw my book, like i care if i'm naked.

"Harry, stop jumping ..." Niall laughed.

"What like this?" i jumped. Feels weird. Bahahahaha.

Awesome idea haz. I patted myself on the back.

Radio's POV.

So i'm in the car on the way back to back to the boys when i got a call. Unknown number.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Radio? Hey it's Karmin." Karmin? KARMIN!!!

"Karmin! Hey how are ya?"

Karmin used to live in Alliance, but moved to PHILADELPHIA! She really moved. All the way to Pennsylvannia. We were best friends, well we still are. We used to talk all the time, but my time with the boys i haven't got to talk to her much.

"I'm fine, i missed ya!"

"Yeah, i know. I miss our talks. Always thinking of you girl." That was a lie, my mind is wrapped around louis 24/7

"Yeah right. I heard about One Direction's new babysitter. Nice job. So, is that we haven't talked in 2 months?"

"Yeah, they are mad men!" We both laughed.

"Yeah, i know."

"Our next stop is in Hershey. Are you and Hailey coming?"

"We got our tickets last year." she giggled. I pulled up to the flats.

"Good, i'll most definetly be seeing you. I have to go. I'll talk to ya soon."

"Yeah, good talking to you." She said and hung up.

I really do miss her, but i need to help the boys. When i walked in ... Oh jeez.

"I'm never leaving you guys again! Louis if you eat one more carrot i'll have to slap you. Niall! Put those scissors down! Liam come here, get out of that corner. HARRY EDWARD STYLES!! Where are you're clothes, i don't wanna see that and stop jumping ..." I love these guys.



What do you think? The Karmin character will start to be important. I got her from Another Harry Styles Love Story, It's on wattpad. Go read it!! TheNiallRiver and i are combining books. So If you wanna hear about Karmin from Philadelphia READ IT. Its really cute. This chapter was designated to TheNiallRiver, my best friend since i was 5 <3

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