Me? Cant be

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Louis POV

Last night ... now that was amazing. She was wild!! Absolutly crazy. See now the first time ... she didn't get it, but now ... woah. Thats a different story.

I woke up with her laying on my chest. I kissed her forehead. I know for a fact, neither of us is going to forget last night.

I rubbed her arm to wake up. She kissed my chest telling me she's up. "Well good morning beautiful." I smiled when she looked up at me.

"Morning." She whispered and sat up. Don't worry, she had her knickers on and a bra.

"You want some tea Love?" I got up too.

"Sure, you wanna take a shower before or after?" She said rubbing her eyes.

"After. I'll make us some Yorkshire Tea." I winked and walked to the kitchen. Karmin was up. Crap.

"Oh C'mon! Lou, where are you're clothes?" She yelled.

"Hey, you're lucky I have me boxers on. Your friend in there is an animal."

"EW!!! Lou, Why in the hell would you think I would want to hear that?"

"What? I'm just saying." I chuckled. She got up and ran back into her bedroom.

My phone started to ring. I looked to see who it was and it was, Harry.

"Hey Cutie. What's up." I answered.

"We have a music video to shoot today. We have to be there now." He said.

"What? No one told me !!" I yelled.

"Actually, that's all Liam's been talking about. Now hurry. Bring the girls." He said and hung up.

I yelled up to them. "Girls!! Get dressed quick, we gotta go.!!!" They were quicker than ever. I took a quick shower, and got dressed. I gave Ryan her tea to wake her up and we were out the door.

Radio's POV

All 7 of us got into the van and we were off to go to shoot a music video I guess. Liam was talking about it. "It's a maskerate ball!! Each of us get to wear masks and stuff, and we have girls-"

"Which song is it?" Karmin asked.

"Moments." He answered.

"My favorite." Lou said and wrapped his arm around me. I Held his hand.

"Yeah, I'm really excited about this one."

When we got to the ballroom,  there were a bunch of people in there. It looked like something Cinderella stood in.

"Finally your here!!" The director yelled. "It's a disaster!! The boys come late, the models are late. I only get four models!!" The dude was freaking out.

"Oh, well our sitter Radio can help." Lou said to him.

"Get them into make-up !!!" He yelled. People pulled at me and started painting on my face. Then gave me a really poofy dress to wear. This was going way too fast.

I saw a very pretty ... no beautiful girl walking in from the bathroom.

"James." She said. "I can't do this. I'm too sick." she said and sat down.

"WHAT !!!??? No Gabriella, you need to be in this. Who else would I have?" She must be one of the models, and  James must be the director's name.

"Ok, go with the other girls over there." The person said, and I did as told holding my mask. I saw the boys in Tuxs. Lou looked smashing.

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