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Sorry about how short the last chapter was, i was too excited i wanted to get to this chapter as quick as possible. You get to meet Karmin more! Enjoy.


Radio's POV

We are in hershey!! I really need to get there to see Karmin. Cause if i know her well she would be there to go on rides and stuff before the show.


I see her!!! She is getting some lemonade. "Harry, boys! Go get some lemonade for all of us." I smiled

"What? Why can't you just-" haz started

"Go!" I yelled. They ran over to the concession stand. Karmin turned to leave, but didn't realize she didn't have any lids so she turned back and spilled her drinks all over Harry! YES!!!!

"Oh my gosh ... I am so s-" She started, then realized who it was. awww... Her cheeks turned bright red. The guys laughed at  Harry. Harry had his mouth in an 'o'. She stopped staring at Harry and started talking.

"H-Harry Styles? I am so, so, sorry !!" Her hands flew up to her chest. Louis looked over at me and saw me doing my victory dance.

'What's your problem' he mouthed.

I rapidly pointed at her, 'THATS HER! THATS HER!' i mouthed and jumped up and down.

'Her?' he asked

I nodded my head like there is no tomorrow. Louis smirked, and we listened back into the conversation

"It's alright love." Louis said, "Lemonade is his favorite kind of drink." He smiled. Harry shot a glare at Louis quick so Karmin wouldn't see.

"So .. Harry ... we will uh .. see you when you are cleaned up then ..." Niall stuttered. They came back over to me. I was overly excited. I jumped and made Niall catch me. He spun me around.

"Can you believe it Niall!!" I smiled as he set me down.

"No, no I can't" he looked over at them for a quick second. "Well, lets leave them them some privacy." Niall wrapped his arm around me and we walked to the arena. After a while niall left to talk with liam and Zayn just making it awkward for Louis and I behind them. Louis held my hand, i don't know why but i liked it.

"Can we talk?" He whispered in my ear. I didn't look at him i just nodded.

"So, guys. About this 'rule' you have. Didn't you ever think of breaking it?" I asked. They turned around.

"Yeah of course, but it's for the band." Liam said.

"Yeah, i know, but don't you want to be in love be happy?" They noticed Louis holding my hand. Niall's eyes lit up adn pointed at the both of us and raising his eyebrows.

"No ... For Harry's sake. That girl back there, she is amazing. Sweet, caring, fun. Her name is Karmin, and i know Harry would break the rule for her."

"Fine than it's broken." Zayn smiled.

"Thank you." I hugged him with my one free arm.

"So, since the rule is over. Marry me Radio!!" Niall chuckled.

"Sorry, buddy. But siblings can't marry each other." I winked. "Ok, Louis and i have to go. No rough housing." We walked out and back into the park.

We walked by Karmin and Harry, and he had his 'flirty' look on. i think it's working!!

"So you wanted to talk?" I said after a while.

"Right, Radio ..." We stopped walking, and started to mess with my fingers that laid in his hand. "Imissyou." He said quickly, "EversinceyouwalkedoutthedoorIneedtobewithyou. Ican'tsleep,eat,makejokesevenknowingthatyouroutthereandnotwithme." He stopped to take a breath.

"Slow down Turbo." I chuckled.

He chuckled also. Then took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I'm SO sorry, radio. I swear I didn't mean anything i said. You're not a shadow. More like Coffee, You wake me up in the morning adn help me through the day, and keeps me wanting more for tomorrow. I need you to accept my apology, cause if not ..." He trailed off


"I don't know." He looked back into my eyes.

"Well, i wouldn't still be here if I didn't want to be in your life too." His face lit up. and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear.

I hesitated. No guy ever really said that to me. I freaked, nothing would come out. Then i said, "Thanks." THANKS!! No, i didn't mean to say that. But before i was able to say anything he realized what i said.

"Thanks? ... Oh my god! I sid it too early didn't I?! I'm such a idiot." He pulled away from me and started slamming his hand in his forehead repeating "stupid" over and over again.

"Oh! Lou! No! That was perfect. I just was shocked. I love you too!" He didn't hear me. "LOUIS! i LOVE YOU!" I yelled. I squeezed his hadn to mamke sure he head me.

"You do?" He looked at me. I tried hard not to laugh at the red mark on his forehaed.

"Of course silly." He started to lean, but the clouds above didn't like that i gues, cause it started to rain.

"Rain really?" He looked up then back at me.

"Come on, lets go." I pulled at his hand.

"No, i have to do this." He pulled me back making me fly into his chest. It was fun. He planted his soft lips on mine. Lightning struck when he did which made me chuckle. The rain lasted for 15 minutes but i didn't care.

All i cared about is that I have my Louis back

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