I'm Lost

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Radio's POV

Harry has been hanging with Karmin alot. I feel as if he's forgetting that he is in one of the most popular boy bands in the United States. Like one day he didn't even come back to the Hotel. Lou misses him just like everyone else. I can see why they didn't allow girls in the picture now.

Don't get me wrong, i'm as happy as harry. I'm glad he found Karmin, it's just ... I don't know. We are on break from the tour yes, but only for like 3/4 more weeks. He can't act normal, He has a job to attend to.

Well Lou slept in my room last night. ONLY slept, don't worry. It's like 6 am, a i woke to my phone ringing.

~The phone! The phone is ringing~ I grabbed it quick to not wake louis.

"Hey!" Speak of the devil, It's Karmin.

"Hey." I replied. Half asleep.

"Can we talk a little?" She asked. I moaned.

"It's like 6 am ..." I rolled my eyes. I wanna go back to sleep.

"Yeah i know .. but-" i cut her off.


"Yay!" she yelled. I pushed the phone away from my ear. Too loud for morning. "I miss you, Radio. You are my best friend. You gotta get here! We have so much to catch up on!" And i absolutely agree.

"I know, I know. I miss you too." I said. I felt Lou move. Crap i woke him up. He sat up behind me and started to kiss my neck. I sent tingle down my spine. I know what that means. "Sorry, Karmin but i gotta go!!" I half yelled

"Call me later." She said

"Kay Bye girl!" I hung up and turned to Louis so his lips could touch mine. After a while i had to get up. "Sorry ..." He still kissed me. "love ...I .. have... to go!" I smiled. He groaned.

"Why? Where are you possibly gonna go? I thought you were gonna hang with the boys and I today." he reached for her hand.

"I wish i could, but i trust you enough that you can be good today with out me. I need to run some arrens then go to a meeting for Trish."

"No!! Just skip it."

"I can't silly. If i do, i'm a goner." I love you, now go have fun. I need to take a shower." His eyes lit up. I rolled my eyes, cause i knew what he was thinking. "No, you can't have a shower with me. Now get out." I pushed him to the door.

"Fine, im leaving." He started out the door I turned to go to the bathroom. I felt Louis slap my butt!

"Louis Tomilnson!" I yelled, but he was already running to his room. I went into the shower and got ready. So excited for this day .... NOT!

Louis' POV

See, Radio should get at one point in time. We never act good.

Naill, Liam, and I desided to wake up Zayn, but the only one who was really trying to wake him up was Liam. Niall snuggled in a corner and ate alot of junk food. While me on the other hand started looking threw clothing catalogs with a huge hunger for carrots. I searched through Zayn's fridge and found a huge bag of full sized carrots. "JACKPOT!!" I yelled and went back to my catalog. A few minutes later Harry walked in. We didn't care, even with Karmin on his arm.

"Guys!" He yelled, i kinda just zoned him out. TOM SHOES ON SALE!!! AWESOME!! "GUYS!!" Shut up Harry, can't you see I'm busy.

Oh, Karmin, i should welcome her. The other guys must have thought of the same thing. "HI KARMIN!" Liam said.

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