Uh ... oh

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Radio's POV

When I woke up, i heard Louis talking to Harry outside my door.

"No! I would never want to do that. It was the worst mistake of my life."

"Then why did you do it?" Louis asked.

"I dont know. I was tipsy ish ... and she ... she seduced me." Did Harry cheat??

"Oh jeez, Haz. C'mon you know that's no excuse!" I walked into the hall to see him.

"What have you've done? Spill !" I snapped. They both have suprised looks on their face.

"Please, don't kill me ..." Harry looked down.

"Ok ... I'll decide if i shall kill or not, now spill." I rasied an eyebrow.

"Fine ..." then he told me everything. He met this girl named alex at a bar ... and they 'got it on'. When he stopped talking i didn't know what i was feeling. I was sad, mad, confused, and sleepy all at the same time. I guess the Angriness took over my body cause, "Ryan??" I slapped him across the face.

"How dare you !! Louis lets go."

"But ..."

"Do you want to stay with him? That's ok, help him get back on track." I said and walked away. I called a cab ... i needed to get out of there. Who cares if they call me back i just wanted to be in my flat resting.

When I got there, I just ran to my room. After about 10 minutes, i could feel warm arms wrap around my waist. It's Lou. I smiled.

"Hey." He whispered in my ear.

"I'm trying to sleep."

"Haven't you've done enough of that. You wanna stay up all night." I turned to face him, still in his hold. He winked.

"With a broken leg, 3 broken ribs, and head wounds. I would like a rain check." I smiled.

"Don't remind me of those horrid things. So ... A raincheck, huh? That's not a no, you know that right?"

"Louis, look at yourself. For god sake ... LOOK AT THAT ASS!!" I pointed to his butt. "Of course, I want a raincheck. If it weren't for the stupid crash. My virginity would've disappeared by now!!" I calmed myself down. "Lou, i love you ok? I wanna do what ever makes you happy, just not yet. I have a while til i get better. Can you wait for me?"

He chuckled, "Sure," He gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Ok, no ..." I sat up, slowly i must add. Louis did it with me. "I said we can't go all the way, not that we couldn't have make out sessions." I pointed out.

"Oh, happy days." Louis smiled. And pulled me in for a kiss. His kisses, are rough but soft at the same time. I love Louis' lips against mine. They feel as if they were ment to be there. I could feel him getting more excited, if that makes sence. His hands were tangled in my hair, and mine laid on his chest. I had to do something ... I took his shirt off. I wanted to see his chest. "I thought ..."

"I just wanted to see." I smiled, and pulled him back in. Feeling the muscles on his back, and his biceps. I'm sorry ... but my boyfirend is one ripped guy ,,,

We must have been french kissing for like 10 minutes, probably more, until i started to feel my ribs. "Louis, my ribs." I moaned. He pulled back imdeiatley, and looked at my ribs area.

"Let me see the bandages." He said, while taking my shirt off. Not in a weird way. The nurse showed him ways to check how i'm doing, and this is one of the ways. He pressed two fingers on my side.

"Nothing." I said. He moved his fingers to the other side. "Nope," I said.

"Good, I'll go get you some tea, then we can sleep for a bit." He smiled and got up. He is so sweet. After our tea we went to sleep. I woke up to Louis shacking me, "Radio ... Karmin's here. she needs to talk to you." He kissed my forehead, and walked out. I knew Karmin was gonna show up here when i found out. She needs someone, I just hope Louis could side with me. Of course, she asked about Harry. Yeah i spilled the beans. Like if i were her i would want her to tell me. I don't wanna go around and just know and not say anything. I know people feel different, but it's how i feel.

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