So Secretive

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Radio POV

Each day, the boys and I get closer and closer. I didn't want this to happen, not one bit, but i just couldn't fight it. I can't stand something though, oh and my dirty little secret.

"What's your problem !" I heard Liam yell from the living room.

"You're my problem!" zayn fired at him. I ran to see what happened. I see a coffee stain all over Liam.

"Guys, no fighting remember. It's depresing. Now what happened?" I asked. Zayn and Liam have been fighting almost every day since liam slept over in my room.

"It's him ! He bumped me on purpose! He's just jealous!" Liam snapped. Zayn narrowed his eyes.

"Jealous of what?" I asked. Zayn shot Liam a 'don't you dare glare.

"He's jealous of me sleeping in your room for a day." He said never leaving Zayn's glare.

"Really? Well, it's settled. Zayn you can sleep in my room tonight. OK?" I smiled. Both of them snapped their heads at me.

"What?" They both said.

"So it'll be equal. Deal?" I smiled.

"Uh ... yeah sure." Zayn smiled. Liam rolled his eyes and stormed out of the door.

"Zayn, talk to him. Please." i said and walked to see how everyone else was doing.

Harry was in the doorway listening to the whole thing. "Hey Hazza. I was just about to look for you."

I like a harry, we got really close. How couldn't we he's so adorable, and his curls so soft. So did Louis and I, because ... he's just amazing.

"Really? Wanna go to my room then?" He winked.

"Haha, very funny. Where's your other half?" I asked while we walked back to the lounge room.

"Sleeping. He was up till like 3 in the morning playing Just Dance ... By himself." He chuckled, and i laughed.

"Ok, well i have to wake him up y'all have an interview this afternoon." I smiled and started to walk away. I heard Harry moan.

When i walked in ... oh Louis ... He was definetly asleep. He was spread across his bed with his head and arms dangling off the side. I walked over to him, and craddled him in my arms. I softly messed with his hair. "Harry?" he whispered. "Try again." i whispered in his ear. "Is anyone else here?" he smiled. "Nope."

Once i said that, his hands grabbed my waist and spun me so the i was pined to the bed and he was on top of me.

"Good, now i can do this." He leaned his head down so our nosed brushed together. This is kinda my dirty little secret. He didn't move his head, god, he's teasing me !

I let out a chuckle, "I hate you." I whispered. It sucks cause i can't move. Wait. I lifted my chin and his lips were moving with mine. I felt a shockwave go up my back. This is only our 2nd kiss. I could tell you about the first one, but i'm too focused on this moment. Kissing louis is amazing, our lips mold together, and it's perfection. Then i felt his tounge trace my bottom lip asking for an invitation, and i let him. I'm not a huge fan talking about what the tounges were doing, but it was like they were trying to dominate each other. He pulled away and started laughing. Letting my hands loose.

"What?" i smiled.

"You kinda moaned ..." He said after he calmed down.

"So !"  i chuckled, and cupped my hands oh his cheek.

"I don't know, ahh screw it !" he relaxed his muscles, and started to kiss me again.

This was perfect, but i wish we could go on a date. We can't cause of the rule. You know none of them can have a girlfreind for the band's sake.

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