Gosh ... Drama

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Radio's POV

Today is the day! Karmin finally gets out, and Harry can suprise her with the Dinner on the beach! I'm so excited, i get to take her shopping while the boys set it all up. I'm excited to spend the day with her I haven't seen her in forever. I arrived and knocked on the door, Harry answered.

"Hey Radio." He smiled.

"Ryan." I whispered.

"Radio!!" I saw Karmin running over to me. She only had a towel on ... Oh jeez. She hugged me. Was i suppose to come later?

"Karmin!!" She still looked stunning. "Was i interupting anything?" I looked at the towel and back at her.

"No. Not at all." Harry said.

I motioned him to the door. "Uhm, guys, i gotta head out and do something quick with the boys." He said.

"Okay babe." She said, and he was gone. She turned to me. "Radio ... We have so much to talk about." And let the day begin!

Louis' POV

I'm really excited about tonight. Not only does Harry finally gets his first date with Karmin, but i've desided. I'm gonna make out with my girlfriend in the bushes.

Jeez, i'm kidding! Radio and I are performing. I've never heard her sing. Yes we rehersed, but she only played guitar and we went over my lines. We have a whole playlist of love songs to sing.

1. Perfect two - Auburn

2. Hey There Delilah - Plain White T's

3. Lovebug - Jonus Brothers.

And so on. I'm excited about Hey There Delilah, because that was my audition song for the X factor if you didn't know. And i want to sing it to Radio.

Well, we are at the beach, the boys and I, and we are setting everything up. Harry is like freaking out. He is running everywhere trying to make sure everything is perfect. He even yelled at innoccent Niall. Yes he was eating when he should've been helping Zayn, but when Niall's hungry ... He's hungry.

After that i had to go calm him down. "Man, he acts like the youngest sometimes ..." He said to himself.

"I know, and you're the one who should be acting the youngest ... since you are and everything." I stated while wrapping my arm around his shoulder.

"But stuff needs to get done. And-"

"Hold it right there. Guys come here!!" I yelled and all the guys came running. "Now look at this beach, it's beautiful, the lights are up, the table is set, stage set." I said pointing at different things. The guys looked where i pointed. "It's gonna be perfect. Now to calm you down i think we need to break it down." I smirked. I nodded torward Liam. And he did his beatbox shindig. "OK, lets start this out with the old fashion. 'Stop the traffic'" I went in the middle of them and put out my arm to act like im stopping cars. " Now let the people through," I signalled the people to come through while shacking my hips. The boys started laughing, I even lost my beatboxer. "Well come on then." I put on my music from my phone on. I saw Liam start bobbing his head. Zayn was shaking his butt, and Niall next to him doing my famous 'patt the dog, screw the lightbulb'. I did it with him. Harry finally got into the swing of things and did the sprinkler.

"Now thats it Hazza!!" I smiled and danced with him. At one point Haz was slapping my butt, but i'm used to it. Hahahahaha. "Feeling better?" I asked when the song stopped.

"Yeah, but i'm still nervous." He tried to smile.

"Don't be, come on its only your lady, she is coming to have dinner. Now slep some sense in yourself," I slapped him. Not too hard, "And become a man."

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